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Rebels 8

Reaction: https://youtu.be/fj1be8yMEoc

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/rebels/

Rebels 9 

Reaction: https://youtu.be/fj1be8yMEoc

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/rebels/

It's Always Sunny 2x1

Reaction: https://youtu.be/s7shybdCZzA

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/its-always-sunny-in-philadelphia-premium/



Chaos T

Season 2 is where IASIP really begins.

Jeff K

Yep. It's very similar to how The Office really became The Office with 2x1, too.


So these folks look up spoilers as they watch? Choppers voice actor was something the rest of us found out at the end of the series.

Micah Zimmer

Chopper's voice actor is more of a tongue-in-cheek joke anyways. They certainly didn't look up major spoilers, like Fulcrum.


Really just waiting for season2 tbh

Steffen K

While season 2 is great, the last 6 episodes of season 1 are also pretty damn good, in addition to the first 2 episodes of the show.

Andrew Lynch

Anyone know if suraj and rena will be back on sunny at some point (sorry if I spelled either name wrong big fan)

K Murray

They'll be back on the couch for it. Suraj recorded a few episodes ahead during a Twitch stream (those uncuts were posted last week)


I personally think nobody (like a stranger) in the military is owed default respect. Theres been veterans that have served in Vietnam, a war where the U.S. burned children alive with flamethrowers. Like I would never go up to a random vet and thank them unless I literally knew of them and something they did, some kinda real context. The U.S. has attacked other countries for our own agendas and used soldiers to do it. It's just way too nuanced so like you guys said, you just never know. I guess get to know the guy a little and then thank him if you want? It's probably pretty heated to compare wars in the military community idk but WW2 was a different war than the war with Iraq as far as motives go I think. Every person has their own reason for serving at the end of the day.



rickie woodson



Do you guys think you'll do reactions for the 2nd season of Visions? There's some real bangers.

Quinton Campbell

"But they have to depend on each other in this Jedi-less world right now" Rana, that was a bar 🔥

Garrett Gee

I feel like you owe them respect whether you know them or not, whether you want them too or not they are willing to die for us... And if they hadnt done it in the past we wouldn't be here now. Kind of sad you dont think you owe strangers respect? You just walk around being an asshole to people then?




Re: IASIP -- The sooner you accept that they're ALL horrible and stop expecting any of them to be "better" than the others, that's when you'll really start to enjoy it more. I went on the same journey in the early seasons. lol


Getting closer to the final of rebels season 1, Can’t wait for the reaction. Season 2 is really good

Chaos T

On a practical level, there's a crap ton of fraud. I worked at the US National Archives for around fifteen years. One aspect of my job as an Archivist was investigating Freedom of Information Act requests from people investigating claims of fraud; which seemed to be at least 50% of FOIA requests I received at my time there. There's not only a lot of overall fake military people but there's also a lot of frauds who served in the military but didn't do what they claim (IE cooks and file clerks in the military claiming they served in the field). I particularly got giddy when I received a request from an individual investigating someone claiming to earn the Medal of Honor. The Congressional Medal of Honor is the only medal which has a lifetime financial benefit attached to it which means people can go to jail if they erroneously claim that medal. The rule of thumb I live by on this issue is most real veterans won't be flashy about it. You might see a minor thing or two to signify they're veterans but they don't make a point of it. The frauds tend to highlight their military service without being asked and/or deck themselves out to look like a "veteran".


"they are willing to die for us" really ignorant to think the average person in the military is some hero who's doing it to save people. The average person is in the military because they had nowhere else to go and no money for college lol