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Bleach 38

Reaction: https://youtu.be/LVuFTVvsRGo

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/bleach-premium/ (pg. 5)

Bleach 39

Reaction: https://youtu.be/T4jh1SNypeY

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/bleach-premium/ (pg. 5)

Neon Genesis Evangelion 9

Reaction: https://youtu.be/kz2uapWElTU

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/nge-premium/




I think “uncomfortably horny” is the perfect way to describe most anime aimed at kids and teens. Like even Bleach has had some wild moments with Kon and upskirt shots and excessive boobs Even going back to Dragon Ball Roshi is a straight up a sex offender and Oolong literally gave Bulma a roofied drink to knock her out so he could ufcking m***st her, all of it being played for laughs I know Japan is super repressed and has weird age laws that are just being changed now but it’s flat out uncomfortable to recommend a lot of Shonen to people… especially Eva (which I still really like a lot)

Mr I like spam

"I think “uncomfortably horny” is the perfect way to describe most anime aimed at kids and teens" its almost like teenage boys are super horny so they aim it at them


Someone's gotta let Navi know that Ichigo's sword is already in its release form (shikai) the same way that Kenpachi's sword is always released.

Joel Sasmad

Actually no. Kenpachi is not using any release as he has no name for his blade and they very much make a point of that fact here in this episode


How is it that they still haven’t realized the ichigo is always in shikai. It’s not that difficult.


love it, need moarrrrr, convo & scenes from inner world very important later later later on....


There’s a difference between having fan service and having scenes where characters literally commit sex crimes


Because they haven't been introduced to the concept of "shikai" yet. Once they're introduced to it properly (you know when), they'll have a better grasp of it imo.

Roland The Gunslinger

The Sword aready transform. Even if they dont know the concept by name, they shoukd have get by now that Zangetsu is in his released form.

Roland The Gunslinger

Ichigo's zanpakutou is already release, somebody tell them.


Plus with all the comments saying it's already in it's released form it's kind of a spoiler, since it gets revealed in episode 42. I don't blame them for not knowing because up to this point you don't really know like @Shockzz1234 for regarding shikai. I'm sure they know now though since they are a few episodes ahead


@Navi, yes some characters are just called by their last names or their first names it just depends. For example squad 8 captain Shunsui Kyoraku, his lieutenant will calls him Captain Kyoraku or just "captain". Lieutenants usually address their captains as so. Another captain may call him Shunsui so it depends. Same with squad 11 Kenpachi Zaraki but Yachiru (little pink haired girl) just calls him Kenny. @Mickey, yes that was Chad's blood. It's black due to censorship. You guys favorite osts so far to help you with the names: Precipice of defeat (Chris favorite), Enemy Unseen (lol love yall's reaction to it every time it plays😂), Creeping Shadows (Suraj's favorite), Battle Ignition

Nick A Sam III

Bleach’s b-roll and flashbacks aren’t as bad as seeing Naruto’s swingset every other episode

Payam Sharifi

I mean yeah but I do think Eva in particular is largely about the desire to connect with other people and the difficulty doing so, and horniness is one avenue to explore that. Don't really think you can make an honest portrayal of lonely teenagers starved for connection without exploring their horniness.


Don’t know how far you are in real time watching NGE, but please make sure you watch the Director’s Cuts of episodes 21-24!

David Butt

So there are 2 discussions about skipping openings for spoilers in this comment section, and I feel like opening 3 is not one that needs to be skipped. I rewatched them to see which ones have spoilers and I’ll say that with Bleach you’re pretty safe with not needing to skip openings. So here’s a list of all the openings and if they potentially spoil something. It also includes Openings 1 and 2 even though they’ve seen those ones Opening 1 shows all of the important characters and Byakuya Opening 2, shows some of the captains and Soul reapers and but they’re shown in episodes before the opening begins airing. Every fight that happens in that opening, except Ichigo vs Kenpachi and Renji, doesn’t happen. Opening 3 maybe some of the captain's zanpakuto, but that’s not a huge deal. And one of the fights that everyone knows is coming anyway Opening 4 Nothing and it’s filler Opening 5 Nothing Opening 6 potentially spoils one thing, but it’s really vague and it flys over the heads of most people I’ve seen react to the show Opening 7 Nothing Opening 8 Nothing and it’s filler Opening 9 Nothing Opening 10 Nothing Opening 11 Nothing and it’s filler Opening 12 spoils some stuff Opening 13 spoils some stuff Opening 14 Nothing and it’s filler Opening 15 Nothing Opening 16 Spoils who fights who and 1 other thing but it goes by so fast that unless you pause you’d never notice it.

Loco Logic

They're watching the Netflix version, so they'll be seeing the director's cut of those episodes by default.

Annah Suarez-Domit

God the Ichigo and Kenny fight is so freaking good. Also here are some really interesting facts about 'Hollow Ichigo' The name Hollow Ichigo isn't actually used in the manga or anime. It only exists as a way to market it/put it in a script. (Also in some of the video games they just labeled him as 'Ogihci Ikasoruk' literally Ichigo's name backwards.) The actual entity itself is unnamed at the point the anime script was being written. There is also a prevalent fan nickname for Hollow Ichigo, Shirosaki Hichigo. Shirosaki because the kuro in Kurosaki means black and shiro means white, referencing the inverted colors. Hichigo because it is a portmanteau of Hollow Ichigo.


missing episodes 30-33


Because as a reactor you must discuss whats happening, when you're discussing as it happens you miss dialogue. So they multitaask and talk while reading subtitles


can someone direct me to the episodes from 23 to 37? im scrolling thru the feed and it seems theres a huge gap? *nvm im just getting used to how they structure things here. i am not on patreon often.