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We will be watching live with you guys Friday 2/24/17 at 6pm EST. We are so sorry for the previous post stating the live reaction would be today, that is incorrect! Really really sorry about that! Please let us know if tomorrow works for everyone, if not we will reschedule for a better day. Really sorry again for any inconvenience or confusion this has caused.



I have plans but I hope to make the live chat on Sunday. Have fun guys.

LadyVenom Way

Mistakes happen, don't worry guys. I may be able to make it tomorrow night. Sunday live chats a bit late UK time, not sure if I can make it this time, hope I can for the next one =)


We are so sorry. We originally intended to do this on Thursday but had to change the dates but my brain never registered. - Navi


Thank you and once again so sorry. We really you can make it on Sunday. We will try to have larger group present this time


No worries Navi. I'm pretty sure I pushed for Elf to be the December movie then I never showed up LOL. We've all been there!

Joe Mags

No worries Navi and crew. We understand. I'll try to be there tomorrow, but I might be late as well. I'm running off PST, so 6pm EST I'm either working (used loosely) or I'm heading home then. In the end, all will be fine. Besides, it'll hit YouTube eventually. Cheers till then!

Lauren S.

I'll be there after I nap!