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Buffy the Vampire Slayer 4x5

Reaction: https://youtu.be/M1bjtSjFojs

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/buffy-the-vampire-slayer-premium/ (pg. 7) 

Angel 1x5

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/angel-uncut-only/

Young Justice 1x15

Reaction: https://youtu.be/vPqvq8s2gls

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/young-justice-premium/ (pg. 2) 




Ah yes, the gold standard in BTVS episodes has finally arrived.


Once again, if you want to see more Sportsmaster look into Stargirl on HBOMAX.


The Clinton Administration that year offered cash money for every youth marketed TV show that would do an anti-drug propaganda episode. The WB made every single series on its network make one and then instantly jizzed in its pants. They didn't get any money for the Buffy episode, though, since it was clearly a parody of an anti-drug propaganda episode. "No, beer bad! Bad, bad beer! ...What the hell am I saying?! Buffy, you need to go home." "Now, what did we learn about beer?" "Foamy!!!" "Good. Just as long as that's clear."

K Murray

Buffy strong.


Did I miss a schedule change? Usually we get Rebels on Thursdays, no? I'm dumb.

Allan Cornett

Did I miss Buffy 04 episode 4 ?

Chaos T

Thank you for that information! It confirmed my suspicion about this episode and it's now a top tier Buffy episode for me.


I love Red Tornado "The premise of your question is flawed. You were never human, but you were heroes." Such a great line and one of my favourites of the series.


Hey, they can't all be winners on Buffy 😂 You're in for a fun story run coming up though! I LOOOVE this episode of Angel.

David NJ

Not the best episode, but you are just 5 episodes away from Buffy greatness!

Frankie H

I was thinking the exact same thing that Marketa said at the end of the Young Justice episode, that it would be awesome if they had a scene of the Light just really freaking out in alarm because for once things didn't go to plan. Just a scene of the light cursing and bickering with each other. That would have been hilarious. The writers missed a golden opportunity this episode.

Ricardo Obregon

Wooo! Buffy Thursday! and its drunk buffy, lol this is a fun episode, also kal penn is in this episode, also glad to see the end of the parker story, and the begining of the solider arc.... Also very important this is also the episode to one of my all time favorite songs and its in this episode. The Band the wolf girl is in is a real band (minus the lead singer) the band and the song is : THC "Overboard" the album is Adiago


This episode was not apart of the Light's plot hence no reference to them at the end. This was just a rogue robot trying to wipe out all life on earth.


where is Buffy 4x4 :(

Daniel R

Pat getting "A Room with a View" before anyone else slays me lol