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Buffy the Vampire Slayer 4x4

Reaction: https://youtu.be/_LZqlzfGcwc

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/buffy-the-vampire-slayer-premium/ (pg. 7)

Angel 1x4

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/angel-uncut-only/

Young Justice 1x14

Reaction: https://youtu.be/Jhu_2iWS9o8

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/young-justice-premium/ (pg. 2)




Y’all gotta let Pat know that Marc Blucas who plays Riley in Buffy played college basketball with Tim Duncan at Wake Forest. Dudes are best bros and did donuts in local parking lot after Duncan won his first nba chip

Brandon Gibbs

This is one of my favorite episodes of YJ S1! The young heroes were finally given the opportunity to go up against some of the good villains and they did well for their first time.

Chaos T

The Angel intro is kind of anime.

rickie woodson

so ready for all this comic glory! this is the ep i've been waiting for! lets go young justice!

rickie woodson

great day: young justice, buffy, burgers and fries, and strawberry shortcake. now on to some wasp comics. thanks for the reactions!

Teyon Alexander

If I recall this was like two years after Heath Ledgers’ performance as Joker and I think that was what the studio was going for. It didn’t really work. As for the Light, Vandal Savage is probably the most dangerous person in the group.


If I heard correctly, when you guys were trying to figure out which actor/character was in Agents of Shield and had powers and a suit there (the character was Deathlok/Mike Peterson) and he was played by J. August Richards. The kid being punched in a halloween mask at the beginning wasn't him, BUT, Joss Whedon HAD worked with J. August Richards before Agents of Shield, in the Buffyverse, however. I won't say who he is or where/when to keep the surprise, but I'm looking forward for y'all to see him :D.


Loving the Angel stuff. Wish it was YT but hey. You need to get farther to really love it but every nerd here has told you that so whatevs haha.


This is the point where YJ gets really good!

Frankie H

When Batman says "you performed satisfactory" that's the highest praise you'll get from him. The team accomplished their mission, they took out the plant transmitter thing that controlled all the other plants. Once that was done they just had to stall the injustice league until the justice league arrived. Also the other green lantern you guys didn't recognize was Guy Gardner, one of the most disliked green lanterns. Why is he disliked? Because he's a jerk. In the comics Batman once knocked him out with one punch and Superman thought that was hilarious.

Johnny Blue

I love how much you guys appreciate Sportsmaster. On paper, he seems like a stupid villain. In actuality, he's pretty terrifying. And he's daddy af.

Johnny Blue

Aw I feel bad for Chris. This man just wants to see Gorilla Grodd and the show keeps giving him the other gorillas. lol

Ricardo Obregon

WOOOO! Buffy Thursday! and YJ wooo, and yea "fear itself" Dudes, its the Halloween epside my fav costume is Oz and willowbut also cant forger about Anya finnaly joining the crew, wooo, and Young justice, well this is a good episode but kinda of a let down, cause of the twist not a twist ending, cuase the light always gets its way...lol but incnig closer to my all time fav episode for both shows, ..... and angel too (small woo - big woo for season 3 and 4 of angel)

Calvin Allen

This was a really good moment with Buffy's mom

Victoria E (vickster5001)

Great Buffyverse reactions. The Buffy one is creepy, but fun and silly and the end reveal still makes me laugh. Then the Angel one is nuts, but that guy is so creepy. I really like how by this point in the series, the Angel trio have really formed a bond.


The song People was sang by Barbra Streisand from the musical Funny Girl in 1968


Love having both Buffy and Angel week to week, thanks guys! I'm with you Spidey, eating coffee beans is gross and makes no sense, just give me that sweet sweet juice.