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Neon Genesis 6

Reaction: https://youtu.be/cMd_kho-LvY

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/nge-premium/

Bleach 31

Reaction: https://youtu.be/cUkZHoe-LDk

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/clorox-premium/ (pg. 4) 

Bleach 32

Reaction: https://youtu.be/FEPd-mMEty4

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/clorox-premium/ (pg. 4) 




Make sure yall skip episode 33 its filler


I alway forget that Renji cuts his hair into that horrendous widows peak on purpose.


“renji is jealous because ichigo is doing all the shit he should have done” chris is right. also the afterlife stuff is confusing but it helps to know it is based on shinto mythology. in shinto myth, the afterlife has continuity with the real world and is not a paradise or hell, just a realm where spirits live.

Annah Suarez-Domit

So the afterlife isn't really what one thinks of when it comes to an afterlife. It's more like a cycle where the people on Earth die and go to the Soul Society but then while you are in the Soul Society you life a little longer because you're a spirit but you will die of old age, or be beat to death, or get sick and then your soul returns to Earth. That's why the Quincy were genocided because they destroy souls so the total number of souls between the worlds. Also the one instance we really have of a person remembering Earth, parakeet boy, was anime only so it is possible that you don't remember anything when going between worlds.


Renji isn't jealous at all. But he respects Ichigo's courage to rescue Rukia despite knowing it's essentially a suicide mission. Ichigo barely beat Renji. He still has 11 other assistant captains, and 13 captains that outclass them to worry about.


The concept of the afterlife in Bleach is very similar to that in Buddhism (Samsara Cycle). There is no real heaven only a reincarnation cycle. Theare bits of info thrown here and there and when you piece it all together you realize: 1. Souls that don't have spirit energy don't age nor do they feel hunger (Remember the Parakeet boy spirit Chad saved and what his foster brother explained) However since this is based on Samsara then these souls will eventually get reincarnated back to earth. 2. Souls with spirit energy get hungry and as you've seen in the Flashback, they also grow and get old like Renji and Rukia. Based on the same religious concept, since these souls get to experience the same pleasures as the living, they also get removed from the cycle of reincarnation and when they die they should go to hell as payment for their long lives prolonged lives of pleasure (Rukia mentioned that she already lived at least a couple of lives longer than Ichigo). Hope this answers your questions. There is something more below but contains minor spoilers. Still about the afterlife concept but has a minor spoiler starting here: Bleach has a twist on the 2nd concept. Soul reapers below lieutenant level spirit energy don't get sent to hell but they just disintegrate into spirit particles(will be mentioned in a flashback later on by someone Rukia dearly knows) Soul reapers above lieutenant get sent to hell like the original concept.

Benjamin Donahue

Moral of today's episode is talk shit get hit XD. Chris nailed alot about Renji but one thing I'll point out that I don't think they'll really harp on after this episode is that Renji never thought they would ACTUALLY execute Rukia. They express that when CPT Kuchiki reads the sentence and she got transfered to the Shrine of Penitence, you can see how shook and confused he is. And basically since that moment is when Ichigo's team invades Seireitei. In actual time line I don't think it's been more than 3 days from that realization to this moment so I think it's understandable he hasn't just gone rougue to save her on his own, because he has a much better idea of what he'd be up against than Ichigo.


Ichigo vs Renji is so nostalgic, glad that Renji swallowed his pride and wanted Ichigo to rescue Rukia. I love Renji and Rukia's backstory. Sasuke's voice actor voiced young Renji. Also Suraj, another fun fact is that Vic Mignogna (Edward Elric) voices Ikkaku, the bald guy that Ichigo fought.

Anderson Lake(The Bleach)

They can't just be like "Let's go save Rukia." That's like saying if you're in the army and your fellow soldier is being put on trial for a crime and then just be like let's just fight the army because we want to save our partner who did in fact break the law. It's not a simple choice.

Anderson Lake(The Bleach)

It's a cycle of rebirth. There is a hell but Soul society is not necessarily heaven or at least not the version of heaven that makes it out to be a paradise.

Jesenia Encarnacion

Souls are the residents of the Soul Society, hence the name, and they are the spiritual imprints of human beings. Some of them are the souls of the dead, but others were born in the Soul Society, such as most Soul Reapers. This is especially true of souls born in noble families, such as the Kuchiki, Shihoin, and Fon families.


Can't wait for the next episode


Just please do yourself and us the favor and give up this idea that this is Heaven or a traditional western afterlife. You don't even need to know exactly what is true or not... just have a little imagination and you will see that if you weren't so focused on heaven and hell, there are plenty of theories you could come up with.


In case it hasn't been said a million and 1 times by now, let me say it again... Attack on Titan is good, and I'm gonna let you finish.... BUT NGE has one of the best anime OPs of all-time! Top 2, in my book, and it ain't 2 😭 lol (that's my troll for the week 😄)


I mean could u blame them? I remember being confused when I first saw Bleach too. Also the way Rukia breaks down what soul reapers do, she made it seem like soul society was paradise


Where is episode 5?

Crix Waters

I can´t find episode 30 of Bleach