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We're back with a final date and time for our Town Hall stream. After seeing some feedback on the time being largely inaccessible to a lot of folks, we decided to move it to a weekend. 

Join us on SATURDAY, APRIL 15 AT 11 AM EST! Hopefully this change gives more people the opportunity to participate. 

Details on the upcoming stream below: 

The Normies are hosting their monthly Q/A with a little bit of a twist! Instead of you asking questions that we answer, it will be us asking questions to you! We are looking to get some honest (and constructive) feedback and find out how we can make your experience on Patreon the best it can be! We will discuss benefits, shows selection, our website functionality and more. Throughout the stream, you will be able to vote in a live survey and see results immediately, and use the chat to submit suggestions and comments.We want YOU to participate! 



These mfers really announced the new date like half an hour before the first stream was supposed to be


Where will the stream be? Twitch?

Manny D.

On youtube, but the link will be only available on Patreon for patrons


Good on you guys listening to feedback


Hello I'm dumb and I don't know where to find the bleach reactions </3 just the uncut on the website,,,, have a good day

Anthony Day

Ayeee first ever livestream I can make it to! Haha

Vin Sama



The Owl House and Star vs the forces of Evil


Soul Eater


I'm too dumb to convert the time to my timezone, how long until the stream starts?


Hi, is there a link for the stream? not sure where its being hosted.


It is my timezone and I think we are still waiting...

Damien Luxton

how do we see the stream ? on what page ?

Manny D.

They just posted an update, they're having technical difficulties

Manny D.

On patreon. I have their page open on patreon and I'm refreshing.

Chris V

Lmfao where are all the bleach episodes? I can't find anything between 17 - 30