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Sci-Ber Punk: Border Racers 1x10

Reaction: https://youtu.be/r_V42kHoCEo

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/cpe/ (pg. 2)

Clorox 15

Reaction: https://youtu.be/Bme8GvRrvvM

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/clorox/ (pg. 2)

The Mandalorian 3x5

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/themandalorian/ (pg. 3) 

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Henry Wallace

Regarding Din's group and Besker , while a heavily amoured group. Din is the only one fully amoured in Besker. That's why when he ran with the NightOwls he had to do a kamikaze run into heavy fire to deploy the grenades. They do have some Besker peices spread out among the group, but due to its rarity its sparse, and none are fully deckedn out like him. Which was an issue in season 2 because he was basically walking around with a portable small forture everywhere which is why he got ambushed twice.


This Mando episode felt like a low-tier Andor to me, which is GOOD thing! I loved it! Everything from the convo with the spy lady to the actual siege looked and felt like andor to me. I think Rana and any other normies that missed out need to do a reaction!