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Hello fellow Scrantonites! 

We wanted to update you about our plans for season 4. Due to the fact that the episodes for season 4 are running longer than usual, as well as due to the fact that our Patreon backlog has grown immensely over the last few months of double drops, we decided that some of the upcoming episodes in S4 won't be double dropped. We will keep the double drops here for episodes that go together (Part 1 and Part 2), but for stand-alone episodes within S4, we will hold off posting as double drops. 

We've made it all the way to be 22 episodes ahead on our Premium Access tier over YouTube release!!! So we hope that this announcement does not stop you from enjoying The Office with us. 

But there is more behind this decision. This show is super fun to watch and always cheers us up, but the pace of recording to keep up with double drops weekly has also made it difficult for us internally to prepare enough episodes prior to people's upcoming vacation days, and we don't want to miss anyone on the couch for any more episodes.

Below is an overview of which episodes will be double dropped and which will be single dropped:

4x7 + 8
4x14 + 15



Timothy Baldridge

Watching your reactions to this show is the highlight of my Tuesdays. Keep up the good work, we'll take new eps at whatever pace works for you all!

Tim Arnold

We're honestly getting spoiled with double drops, and I would prefer having as many Normies on the couch as possible, so no complaints here.


How could you do this to us???.... jk this is completely understandable and makes sense.

Mob K.O.

was looking forward to branch wars next week but ok understand


Thanks for the upfront honesty and great communication. Definitely love the transparency. Normies deserve a good rest and a rejuvenating vacation! Plus y'all have been churning out content lately.

Mob K.O.

Isn't 4x18 and 19 part 1 and 2


You’re good babes…you had the balls to show the office on youtube one of the few!!

The Quadfather

Wowww. I don’t even watch this show. I have never even seen it and yet I am so deeply hurt by this announcement. I told my cat what happened and he started sobbing and singing, “What if God was one of us?”


Yeah kind of figured about the backlog when there was “coming soon” everyweek and tried to explain it to some of the people complaining. Understand the decision. I was wondering wouldn’t 4x18 and 4x19 be a better double drop option since that’s an actual two parter? Or is it as one ep on peacock?


I am calling the police


its out when its out, calm down


Still trying to find cut versions of Bleach 21-24. Website only has uncut.


How can you say this when you are paying for it?

Johnny Blue

Hi. I'd like to speak to your manager. I am deeply offended that this change wasn't communicated 4 years in advance when I started paying for this luxury service. I am flabbergasted about this change and you WILL hear from my lawyer. I will accept triple drops every day as payment for this emotional and psychological torment. Good day. P.S. Can you quadruple drop One Piece in sub?


Office started off as single drops. So, if you subbed then, you weren't expecting double drops. They were a luxury. Ergo, vis-a-vis, you are still paying and receiving the service.


Yeah, the only two-parter in the rest of the season is the finale. I think the mistake they made is if you count the first four episodes as single hourlong episodes, the finale is episode 14 and 15. But if you count them as two separate episodes, the finale is episode 18 and 19. So my guess is something got mixed up there but they're still just going to do the finale as a double drop.

Dylan Carpenter

More than fair. I figured double drops might slow/stop in the middle seasons where episodes got longer. Thanks for double dropping as much as you did! I love this show and your reactions to it are typically the highlight of my week.

Tim Arnold

This is one of those times when you should have just said that in your head and refrained from commenting.


ah sure why not


This is less fun, but we have been spoiled. I'm just glad you finally let this show happen Suraj!

Champion Bescos

Perfectly logical reasoning in multiple fronts, wonderfully communicated, so that anyone with a brain and heart will understand… so you’ll still get complaints for the next few weeks, naturally. *sigh* Just don’t sweat them, Normies.


Super disappointing considering it's the only show I'm subbed for. Effectively a 50% reduction in content. First we lost the better versions with the Superfan cuts because of insane nonsensical complaints and now double drops. At least you announced it before I paid for another month.


it's not a luxury. it's just common sense to not do single weekly episodes of a show with 9 seasons.


It's all good, Normies! Thanks for the explanation!


yeah same here, only here for The Office and the double drops really made subscribing worth it, considering stopping now it's basically a 50% decline in content

Chaos T

The Normies dropping the Superfan cut because Patreon members outside of the United States couldn't watch the Superfan cut is not insane nor is it nonsensical complaining.


I was only here for the office. I dont watch a single other piece of content. This is a 50% decrease in value. Thanks for the ride so far but Im going to bow out.


Don’t let the door hit you on the way out

John Wayne

Yeah its kind of weird to drop down one of the most popular American TV shows for more anime and stuff lol. But its their decision.


No big deal! It will give you more time to digest each episode. Appreciate how fast you've uploaded the show to this point.


Maybe expand your horizons and be open minded to trying new shows since the Normies react to dozens. Just a suggestion so you can stop making yourself so miserable

Golden Mama

Totally makes sense, I definitely want the whole couch there! Thank you for the communication :-) I feel spoiled that we were blessed with so many double drops already :)


makes sense!! I can't imagine doing double drops the whole time. It's been fun while it lasted! Looking forward to the Always Sunny reactions, too. Having both shows at the same time is amazing


Watch more shows. If you like the Office then you’d probably really enjoy Ted Lasso for example.


I understand it. I'm not mad or anything. Dang though, Tuesdays are the best part of my week and I'm doing like 75+ hours a week right now. Y'all are great and I 100% understand the need to condense the gap. I know twice a week YT drops wouldn't work cause of algorithm stuff too. I'm loving the reactions SO MUCH. I just legit started re-watching them again from Season 1 the other day.

Jared Staley

Id rather have rebels double drops so you’re caught up for the future shows.


A little disappointed. The Office is why I signed up. Tuesday were the highlight of my week, as pathetic as that sounds. 😂😂


The constant offer of double drops on YouTube is the only reason I joinded... like 2 weeks ago 😵‍💫

Griff (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-06 09:05:08 Lame, making rules for no reason
2023-04-06 04:18:15


You're a massive idiot.


It IS pathetic, but it doesn't have to be. Watch their other shows


Well, look at it this way: now you have more time to fuck your mother. Seriously, if this is the only show you can enjoy, that's your own neurosis and you can't blame anyone else for it.


What a strange reaction @BetheSOUL. You're jumping all over everyone. I paid money when I got value for me personally. I've now chosen to unsubscribe because its no longer as good value for me. Other people may choose differently. If they don't want to do it thats fine. If people want to buy other things with their money thats fine too. Whats the issue here.


The issue is that you have a plethora of great shows you could be watching with the Normies and you're depriving yourself of it, and I'm guessing you like tv in general and you like the Normies, right? It's not a 50% decrease in value because there A) THE EPISODES ARE LONGER, and B) as I mentioned before there are other shows that are up your alley if you like The Office (and that haven't been over-memed liked the Office has). So unsubscribing at this point is not a sound decision, but an emotional decision, which some would call rage-quitting and others would call a tantrum. But you do you, my rant is over


Tell me you're a minor without telling me you're a minor.


-You do You- is all you needed to say in the first place. Telling me to go fuck my mother because I don't want to spend 11 euro per month to watch one Office reaction a week instead of two. This isn't rage. Its just not worth it for me personally. I don't care about the other shows they have on their Patreon right now. There are other Patreons with other content I'll be switching to. I completely understand their reasons for doing it but that doesn't mean I need to stay as a customer.

Kishan P

You need help. Reacting to others the way that you do is not only inappropriate, but very troubling. People like things that they like and based on what they like they put value on it. Just because YOU like other content on the normies patreon, does not mean others do as well or at least not enough to pay for it. So, if they want to end THEIR subscription due to it not being a value for THEM anymore then, that is exactly what they should do. The fact that you made something like this personal maybe screams that you need professional help and maybe you should talk to someone about it, cause its definitely not ok.........


oof. No more double drops on the office? I might cancel my subscription and resubscribe later when a good backlog of reactions to it have built up

Keenan Cummins

Oh God Please no -Micheal Scott -Me

Sam Martin

Yeah same reason for me. All that advertising for double drops and now they don't do double drops. I'm caught up on The Office and I'm feeling kind of dumb for spending 10 bucks thinking I'll get double drops.


How can I see all the office videos? The office tab leads to team titan vids