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Rana and Suraj are back with the Sunday Rundown.
Runday Sundown reading your comments and talking about the shows released this week:

0:00 - Shooting the sheeeeeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiit
5:23 - John Wickapedia
7:09 - DMCA bullshit
15:39 - Castlevania
19:26 - TED Talk Lasso
22:33 - The Office
26:36 - Shingeki no Titty
29:46 - Mamas got the wipes that wipe with the magic, mamas got the magic of Clorox Bleach
36:34 - BOOFY
40:21 - Joung Yustice
42:47 - Misc. (South Park, Succession, Angel, It's Sometimes Cloudy in Indiana)



What?! Succession isn't a smart person show lol .... I mean, it's great but let's be honest, it's basically just a soap opera about in-family power struggles, it's really not that deep and I would definitely not compare it to GoT. It's pretty silly and at times can be boring but at other times is amazing. It's worth checking out, I think you'd enjoy it.


Hey can someone answer me on how can other patreons like YaBoyRoshi or RT TV can post the full episodes of a show with their reactions? Why doesn't the normies do what their doing?


Wow I thought you guys were in your 20s lol dope. I just turned 27 three weeks ago. Time really does fly lol. Keep up the Sunday rundowns. DMCA thing sucks we will support you guys like always. Y'all got this


It’s nice sure, but that I’m pretty sure that it’s essentially a good faith thing with the copyright holders. blind wave refused to split Game of thrones reactions into 2 parts because they had an “agreement with HBO” so that could be it. Either way, posting a full episode with reference footage can’t be legal and that will definitely catch up with them if they continue to do it.

Chaos T

Suraj looks like Jason Mantzoukas with his hair and beard grown out.


I’d be curious to know about this single person doing it. That’s crazy somebody is that pathetic


Where’s rocky 4


Is rocky 4 coming today?


Angelus is my favorite villain. The appeal of him to me is the emotional power he has over Buffy. She can’t kill him because she loves him. Watching him is fascinating and painful at the same time.


Oh I really disagree with Succession not being good reaction content. That show is absolutely wild and absurd at times and would 100% make for good videos


Lol all these people treating succession like it’s mad men or something. Mad men is the show that’s truly not reaction material. Succession is hilarious so it would be great reaction material. There’s also very few people doing reactions to it so you may get an audience that you otherwise wouldn’t. If there can be reactions to the wire there can be reactions to succession. In fact there’s a some channels i only found because they reacted to the sopranos in an ocean of marvel and anime react channels. So i think there some value in doing shows that are more substantial and aren’t too common.


I hope they can get the dub and sub crew for a reaction to last episode since they’re basically caught up


I'd love to see y'all react to Succession. I don't think it's any more complicated than Better Call Saul and I think it's great reaction content (I'm watching through with Brandon Likes Movies right now)

Johnny Blue

I really like keeping an HBO slot idea. You can always expect a certain level of quality in HBO shows.


Re: McEnroe narrating Devi in "Never Have I Ever," I took away from it that it was both because a) Devi's dad was a huge fan of McEnroe and b) McEnroe had a temperament similar to Devi's even though they are seemingly incredibly different.

Daniel Sessions

I’m actually 23 and am struggling to have any life. Unemployed, got let go. Got dumped. All my friends have moved away. So yeah lot of shit, just trying my best

rickie woodson

you're all babies. ill be 40 in november

rickie woodson

its slowly been happening in korea too, but still isnt widely popular but before when guys never talked about ass now they do. jyp did a whole song about lol

rickie woodson

people from venus are venusians, pronounced Vuh-new-shawn. mercury? mercurian. saturn? saturian. pluto? plutonian. and thats it for this solar system

rickie woodson

the waitress is so ketty. cant think of anyone for navi as she hides her wildside but we all know she has one lol. maybe dennis and dee's mom? we will see in future eps. also in case you didnt catch it, dennis and dee are twins so yes you are two are so them lol

Victoria E (vickster5001)

Thanks for the shoutout today, that meant a lot. It’s been a really tough month and these reactions really do help, so thank you for the kind words.

Ab$tract A$p

This needs more marketa you can never go wrong with marketa

The Answer

Loving the reactions of buffy can't wait for Angel hopefully you won't get spoiled,buffy Verse community is very respectful about not spoiling. I've noticed some of the thumbnails and episodes describes are full of spoilers in The hulu app.


Don’t give up hope. Do you have any support system in your life to fall back on for a bit? No shame on that. Parents or relatives? That’s what they’re there for.

Aisha Ashley

My father's birthday was last week Monday, and today, Monday again, is my Mom's. 😁


YEEEEES! I instigated the shipping war!!! All according to keikaku. 😈

William Potter

Where’s the castlevania reactions?


Any update on if you guys will be watching season 2 of Vinland Saga?