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We need your help! We have been told that we can skip Rocky 5, but we have also been told to not skip any. So we need your help. What are your thoughts?



You won’t get the platinum trophy, and you would be a bit confused about something in Balboa, but on the plus side, you won’t have to watch Rocky 5


Rocky 5 really is bad, please don’t give it consideration. It’s not bad in a “Jurassic Park sequels are bad” kind of way, where the sequels are actually fine it’s just they’re not phenomenal like the first one. No. Rocky 5 is bad. It’s so bad that it makes me angry thinking about how Stallone thought it was a good idea at the time. The only thing Rocky 5 gives is a tad bit of explanation about Rocky’s relationship with his son, but even that is not necessary to watch because it’s examined just as much in Rocky 6. So please do yourselves and us the favor of skipping.

EJ Roldan

Rocky 5 was bad, but not skip it bad. There are some things that happen there that build on rocky's character. The movie can be skipped, but it honestly shouldn't be skipped


I hate how close this is. Just watch it, it's better to get the full picture. Even if you end up not liking it, you only have to watch it once.

Keenan White

I just don’t get the hatred for this movie, I always found it to be just as much of an enjoyable watch as the others, now is it the weakest of the franchise? Definitely, but it’s not a terrible film as others on here would have you believe, check it out and make up your own minds, you may be pleasantly surprised.


Skip 6

Karim kenneth baash

I love the rocky movies. Rocky 1and 2 are amazing works of art. I would love for you guys two react to all the movie and give your own and honest opinion. Please pretty Please with a 🍒 on top.


My question is... WHY would anyone say to skip it? Is there obvious series fatigue? Or is it a MK annihilation situation where the quality visibly declines and we're left with a half-baked stinker of a movie? I haven't watched any Rocky film, but I would like to! Let me know why 5 would be skippable in anyone's opinion 😆

Jordan Malloy

My advice is to stop listening to folks who say skip a movie in a franchise. For better or worse, Rocky V is part of the story. Gotta watch it to fully understand context and characters.


In one of the Rocky movies a montage plays. Well prolly in all Rocky movies, theres a pretty badass montage BUT one of them has a robot. Just... Just don't skip the Rocky with the robot in the montage.

Neal Cabanos

Worst case, it’s additional content. Definitely watch it

El hombre

Are you guys planning to react to the new episode of AOT???


Skipping is never a good idea unless we're talking about most anime filler.


Why would you skip it? It's weaker than 1,2 and 4 but it's still part of the overall story


What was a lie? What does Rocky 5 give? What’s good about Rocky 5? Please explain how I gave lies.

Erich Bomke

Its trash people. You can still pick up everything you need from it with Creed.

Keyboard Junkie

It’s apart of the experience and journey. We never skip!


It's essential to understand his living conditions in the following movies

Tom Sinclair

Rocky would never take shortcuts so we don't skip Rocky V.

Doll D

Looks like more people are saying to give it a watch. Just go into it knowing that is considered the worse movie by a wide margin and has the least amount of fans of any movie

Matthew Cronin

After recently rewatching Rocky 5, it’s actually pretty good. It’s definitely the worst one, but there’s some pretty good qualities going for it.