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Attack on Titan DUB 4x14

Reaction: https://youtu.be/TECnBvKUR_8

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/attack-on-titan-dub-premium/ (pg. 9)

The Office 3x21

Reaction: https://youtu.be/raBbxlWzMcg

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/the-office-premium/ (pg. 6)

The Office 3x22

Reaction: https://youtu.be/IQjJXsMLwI0 

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/the-office-premium/ (pg. 6)

**Reaction links have been added**




Weird concept, but every patron user says something along the lines of *support* us on Patron. You're not a customer. You're a fucking volunteer. Your monthly whatever *supports* them making content. You aren't owed it, you fucking babies. This isn't supply and demand. The whole idea is you like what they do, so you support it financially. If the content isn't being dished out to your liking YOU CAN STOP PAYING THEM dumbasses, instead of just bitching and making everyone else's experience more miserable. Weird fucking children.

april 🍏

I'm not a complainer by any means, but I will agree that the extended cut is a bit hard to sync for the Canadian normies who don't have access to the Peacock extended cut (because Peacock isn't an available streaming service here). Even the extended cuts you find online are totally different. It messes up the viewing experience just a bit. I've noticed lots of reactors are switching to keep the full episode content in their uncut reactions and I would be down with that just for the extended episodes or slightly less blurred so it's somewhat watchable. Just a thought :)


If you signed a contractual agreement guaranteeing a specific time of day for specific link drops then my bad tho


this is such a weird comment. you can pay on the first of the month. if the content provider then uploads nothing for the entirety of the month would you go 'hurrr durrr fucking children (you are obviously a child btw) stop paying hurr durr'. I also find the comments about timings annoying. you are paying for a month of content, the hour it's uploaded doesn't matter. your comment however is ridiculously childlike and ridiculous. normies content isn't 'support us if u want!!' its 'if you want full length, you pay extra, if you want early access, you pay extra'. there's nothing wrong with this business model, its great! but why are you pretending its 'volunteering'??? what a ridiculous statement! the patrons absolutely have a right to complain about supercut options. the late stuff is stupid yes, but you comment is even worse


supercut is a silly option if I'm honest. since the show was released, no one has watched it with the supercut. not sure why'd you do it now. you don't get the real 'the office' experience.


to add. if your analysis was true, why are their tiers? and why do these tiers offer different rewards? doesn't sound like volunteering to me...


yeah, I'd simply stop paying if I was unhappy with the service. its that simple. Sorry the concept of peaceful transactions are "weird" and "childish" to you.


The only logical explanation for remaining on this version is stubbornness. It's not available for far too many people to sync to.


Don't worry. You are right. These idiots don't know that "Patreon" comes from "patron," like a patron of the arts. This is for donations. Different donation levels come with different perks, but you are not buying the perks directly. I guess only children understand how patronage works?


MPH, really? tell me, if i want full length what do i do? if i want early access what do i do? the ONLY way is paying, in a membership that promises that. its not a donation, everyone who pays patreon knows this. this isn't patronage, its just labeled that.


Raleigh, you haven't actually responded to my comment. If i pay on the first, as i am told with that, i get 4 weeks of early access full length, and i do not get that, can i not complain? the normies don't do that, but saying patreon is just volunteering is stupid. both the normies and the patrons know that there is a payment in obliged content in return.


Come now it's not JUST stubbornness. I've seen people suggest they should've watched the superfan version when they're only watching the regular version so maybe they're just listening to their viewers' suggestions for certain episodes so that it's the best watching experience.


They were watching the original cut first then switched to superfan because some viewers asked them to. Your saying they're being stubborn when they probably just don't want to flip fop between versions doing this series. Suraj even said they still might go back to original cut anyways.


actually if you listen to the office ladies podcasts people do watch the supercuts. all of you people complaining don't seem to realize that the supercuts are actually the way it's meant to be watched. network tv requires shows to cut down a lot of material to fit ad breaks, not for artistic integrity. a lot of side plots and development for side characters are completely cut out. so the "real" office experience is a more flawed one and not one even the people making it would prefer.

Chaos T

Today we learned Pat's uncle allowed him to huff gasoline when he was younger. There's a lot to unravel there.


I'm super confused by this thread .. there are only 4 to 5 complainers but like 20+ people complaining about complainers. Why are so many people manically word throttling a random 4 posters?? 🤷🏽‍♀️


because people will dick ride to get a high off feeling righteous. Idk why those people feel obliged to act like spokespeople for this group. If its that serious, the people creating the content themselves will say something about it.


Where are you even seeing 20+ people? Both sides are pretty much evenly matched.


Brian, yeah totally. Sickle, then people must have deleted their complaint posts because there are barely any .. meanwhile there are paragraph long posts complaining about the complaint posts with people replying with more complaints .. so I'm counting the complaining replies among the 20+ since they're complaints too. And now I've made it worse by complaining about the complaints on complainers posts.


dont forget the people liking those unnecessarily long, Sojourner Truth civil rights movement of an essay just gassing them up lmao. I would count those too. Also a lot of the time the "complaints" these people are getting riled up for are seriously minor

Champion Bescos

Dickride to feel righteous? Please tell me you're a kid. It's called empathy. It takes a minute tops to write a comment berating the same people who complain about something they have no right complaining about. Addressing idiocy doesn't get anyone morality points, it's just the right thing to do. A lot of those comments have since been deleted, but the point remains that you contribute nothing trying to act above people correcting others in the wrong.


@Champion Bescos In your quest to "calling out idiocy" do you also go into every yelp review that gives a business an imperfect rating? Yes, bad reviews can get out of hand sometimes but it doesn't warrant all these overzealous responses from the faux PR team of the normies. It's not on you to "call out idiocy" because it's not you who the members here are to be patrons of. The comments given are to the creators they want to support-- it's for them to choose how to respond to that. You are not the social justice police, and like I said if it's really that bad; it's for their collective to choose how to respond to it. You're saying that the people putting some negative reviews --reviews that they are receiving service from, are acting like they're above everyone else, yet here you are high and mighty acting like the morality police. Btw, yea I might be a kid. What a cute little dig you tried to gently place on there. You're in a Patreon for a nerd collective that watches and reviews cartoons and other geeky stuff, you're in the same interest group as kids so congrats on calling yourself out.

Champion Bescos

Poor example; I don’t directly support and sustain any particular restaurants on Yelp. However… if I *did* have a particular bar, restaurant, or diving hole that I frequented daily for years, then as a loyal patron I would absolutely stand up for the owner or it’s workers if I ever felt someone was being flat out of line, if not belligerently obtuse (like the people constantly pressing the editors are). It’s no different online; I am not saying or pushing for anything I don’t fully believe in or would not do in person. Now granted, this is a fairly passionate community, many of us supporting and engaging with the Normies for years. We can get heated, type ‘essays’(?), etc. We understandably get a little defensive when the Normies have already addressed this same non-issue time and time again, for months - there is no set time at which an upload is promised outside of the scheduled day, their time. After a while, the Normies are going to get tired of repeating themselves and I see no problem with the community picking up the slack. I like to think that the longtime patrons here form a community that exhibits understanding and empathy for both the customer and the ‘company’. When the Normies mess up, they’re politely called out on it. When an editor may feel burnt out and disheartened by stupid, entitled comments over and over again, I think it’s common decency to spend a minute tops typing a reply on their behalf. In contrast, you’re literally posting comments in defense of people who are clearly in the wrong. They obviously have the right to comment whatever idiocy they’d like, sure, and we have the right to reply in mind. But then you’re just… there, judging people for commenting how others should comment. The senselessness and hypocrisy of that is asinine.


It's a cute thought that you think this is one big happy community; however, the fact is that some people subscribe to only consume the content they put out and not to be here for social reasons. There are subscribers who don't tune in to the weekly updates or the community posts and whatever inner circle discussions the “Loyal Patrons” may have in the discord server and only come here to consume content for the shows that they watch. If they ask why it was late, they should be allowed that without getting called out their names. It's not on you or some other person to come in and "call them out on their idiocy". You're just another fan. You don't speak for the Normies. The other hundreds of patrons don't owe it to you to have to listen to you explain to them why their questioning is invalid. They could add the same explanation that everyone, I guess, is supposed to know already as to why it was late in the same footer of the post for those patrons. Let the group speak for themselves and make the changes they have to make to cater to that kind of consumer as well. If they don't then they won't-- both decisions for them to make. It's not really for another fan to be "tired of seeing complaints", and etc. since the complaints, reviews and questions are not for you. It's adorable that the “loyal patrons” such as yourself feel so inclined to step in the line of fire of mean comments to save Normies; but just like in your favorite dive bar, you can bark back all you want and add unto the commotion but leave the bouncing to the normies since they're the ones in position to respond to reviews, and not you: just another no-name fan.

Chaos T

" meanwhile there are paragraph long posts" Yep... you've proven that. You're right, Brian. People should be allowed to ask why something isn't on time with their schedule. People also have the right to point out how stupid it is to believe there's a time release when content has been date released from as long as this Patreon page has existed. That's not speaking for the Normies; it's understanding how basic things work. This should be a 1+1=2 conclusion. If the Normies Patreon community is a family, the people being angry about time release are like that drunk uncle who can't be relied upon.

Chaos T

The Superfan Cut of "The Office" issue really needs to be addressed. That's a more pressing problem than the Karen stuff brought up and it's a legit bad decision by The Normies crew. Peacock can't be viewed outside of the United States which screws over a lot of people.

Twin Hallow

The point is that they don't even be late, Brian. No idea how you would be more annoyed by that than the ppl who be toxic when something isnt posted early in the day.


i live in australia so im fucked aswell, hopefully after season 3 we go back to the regular show or the extended.


@Raleigh didnt realise you were part of the normies PR team.... Stop acting like a clown.


customer- a person who buys goods or services from a shop or business.


volunteer- a person who works for an organization without being paid.


I was quite excited to see the new uncut format that Suraj mentioned in the Sunday Rundown or whatever its called. He said it would be a little bit blurry but that we would be able to make out who the characters are. And um, nope. lol. No offence but the new format is way to blurry to allow anyone to watch an uncut without syncing.


The irony about people who feel the need to be white knights online, is that by shitting on people who have complaints, they are just making things unpleasant for the Normies customers. You may think that you are empathetic and that you are fighting for the Normies, but the Normies aren't being hurt by people asking why something is late. On the other hand, when you turn the comment section into a fight instead of a feedback section, you're potentially causing the Normies to lose customers and lose money by having a hostile community.


I agree completely - why is there this fervor to protect the Normies? I'm sure they're more than able to handle a "why is this late" post without bursting into tears. I also think the difference here is people have more of a right to voice impatience than a right to belittle others by calling their lack of patience idiocy /stupidity. The conceit of that is astonishing .. why would anyone think they have the superiority to scold other posters like they are children?


But why do you think you have the superiority to essentially scold people scolding other people, Elizabeth? Don't you think you're putting yourself on a moral high horse as well? 😂 It's great I guess that your sympathies seem to lie with the rude people who were berating the Normies for something they never really promised, but maybe not all of us feel the same way you do and believe perceived bad behavior should be pointed out when it's being exhibited. Why shouldn't our rights to speak out be respected as well? Anyway, I do agree the Normies can defend themselves, and tbh they usually end up apologizing to the people who berated them in the first place, making all of this back and forth between the rest of us probably a huge waste of time. 😂


Agree to disagree about the moral high horse bit as your continue to talk down to whomever you reply to - now me apparently. I don't believe I ever called you an idiot but you felt comfortable enough to call a huge group of people just that in an earlier post. You also seem comfortable enough inferring I'm either rude myself or dig it when people are rude to others so I think you proved my point for me. Anyway, reply what you'd like, I'm good to end this conversation on my end. Have a good rest of your week.


yes too much . makes no difference. but few shows blur is good like bleach but still hard


The Office Uncuts have been updated and the blur effect has been adjusted!