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Buffy the Vampire Slayer 3x18:

Reaction: https://youtu.be/yLbmk0kKGXQ
Uncut: https://thenormies.com/buffy-the-vampire-slayer-premium/ (p. 6)

Young Justice 1x6: 

Reaction: https://youtu.be/4VkPdea92Jo
Uncut: https://thenormies.com/young-justice-premium/ 




God I forgot how much I used to hate Red Arrow.


The pitchforks come from a place of love...then becomes something very ugly. But lets just focus on where it comes from for now.

Twin Hallow

If it is still the same day ppl shouldnt be complaining I feel. It is still Thursday so..

Ricardo Obregon

WOOOO0! Buffy Thursday! oh wow "earshot" knew you guys were going to watch this episode - this was one controversial for the time, hell even now if you think about it, actually dont think about it, its shocking to realize nothing has changed, just like snake blitskin said in escape from L.A. "The more things change, the more they stay the same." - anyway wooooo! buffy and a very good young justice episode - first intro to artemis, wooo. wooo.......


So many great moments in this episode but my favorites are Oz's inner monologue with that tiny "huh," and the cartoonish double take of the lunch lady frozen with the GIANT rat poison box 😂 Thanks for addressing the reason for the late post Marketa, that's very much appreciated!


Hi everyone, I've linked a very cool song from the pov of the characters that Buffering the Vampire Slayer Podcast released along with their review of the episode a few years ago. It's written and performed by Jenny Owen Youngs who is incredibly talented and has created an original song for each episode. This is one of my faves! Hope yall enjoy it ! https://youtu.be/aStt129veLE Also, Marketa girl we 💗 you don't even worry about it! People are strange, what can ya do ?? 🤷🏾‍♀️

Shirlene Wright

I love how Cordy thinks it... Cordy says it! She is my Favorite. And Joyce & Giles..TWICE!!! lol, I forgot about that!! Great Reaction, Thank You.


Recommend you guys react/. watch. Speed Racer(2008) for your next……..movie, you will all love it and I guarantee one or two of you will cry at the end

King Medjai

Will we ever get a buffy double drop?


It is so entertaining, that they still underestimate Buffy (the show), in terms of story-telling. It is very rare that they choose to do the obvious things in the show... But they will learn.


When are we getting the rest of You?


Don't they put them up on Fridays? It'll probably be posted later today.

Darth Skhorrn

In the comics, the organization led by Ra's al Ghul is the League of Assassins. Christopher Nolan changed it to League of Shadows for "Batman Begins" because there was no way Bruce Wayne would ever willingly be part of a group of assassins. And since this show originally aired on Cartoon Network, they used the Nolan name because it was more family-friendly. Also, the Nolan movies are the only iteration where Batman trained with the League to learn his skills. In all other comics and adaptations, he has never been a member of any version of the League of Assassins.


thanks for the YJ reactions - i metaphorically/symbolically cannot wait for the next one guys.


Original Teen Titans (Early 60s) - Robin (Grayson), Kid Flash, Aqualad, Speedy, Wonder Girl /////Original Young Justice (Late 90s) Robin (Drake), Superboy, Impulse, Wonder Girl, Arrowette, Secret


On every episode of You, the reactors keep saying "We binged this and all episodes are available now on Patreon". Maybe they expected that to be true when the first video hit YouTube, but that got uploaded to YouTube more than a week ago. But yes, you are right. They have now uploaded the next episode since you posted this comment.


Johnathon wasn't actually the kid being bullied in "The Pack". He is however seen in the background of most episodes since the first season.


Double drop Young Jeeezy!


Really cool how the class discussion about Othelle ties into Faith and Buffy’s dynamic Buffy rules Faith’s thoughts, she has everything Faith doesn’t, her dark half


Joss started the series showing that he wont do the typical thing. He killed Jesse in the first episode. It appeared Jesse was gonna be core cast and then he was killed off. That was the signal that you can never trust where he might take it.

Daniel R

awesome episode!