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Hey everyone! We will be starting today at 3pm EST! Hope to see as many of you there as possible!


Normies - January Livestream/Chat!

Welcome welcome welcome


LadyVenom Way

Good chat =) Lit as always <3


Darn I was hoping to make this one. But I was in bed all day with a migraine. Next time! I hope. (Sundaydinobot btw)


Sorry Allison hope you're feeling better


Hope you are feeling better. My mom had really bad migraine today too, so I can understand. We would love to talk to you next time - Navi


Awe thanks everyone. I was better around five, but I pretty much slept all Sunday. Also learned why you shouldn't take Motrin on an empty stomach :O But I hope to be there next time. And Aw, no Suraj in the calendar?


lol on the names. I have a cousin in Ireland named Aoiffe. It's pronounced EE-Fa. and another Sadhbh which is pronounced Sive (rhymes with hive). I like showing them to people to see how they pronounce them. I usually get Ow-Fee and Sad-buh


thanks for mentioning me! I'll be at the next one for sure :)

Lauren S.

Can't wait to join the next one! 😁


We are working on figuring out the dates and as soon as we get everyone's confirmation, we will post something. Hopefully in next couple of days

Lauren S.

That wasn't meant as a pushy thing! I hope you didn't take it that way 😬