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The Hollow that killed Ichigo's mother returns for an attack on the anniversary of her death, but Ichigo fights a battle within himself to come out the victor.

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/bleach-premium/ 

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Michael Diaz

So many comments they make causes me to want to make sly remarks but even if I’m vague it’s potentially a spoiler. Particularly some of the things Navi and Rana be saying . lol


TLDR; The animators aren't pervs for drawing skirt shots. YOU are for viewing it in a sexual manner. No, Chris, The creators don't have an "upskirt fetish". It's just that they aren't afraid of using realistic shots like Western animators suddenly became. "Upskirts" used to be common in Western animation too. Even for kids. The animators weren't perving on the kid characters. They were just using shots to portray realistic motion and animation, rather than the unrealistic cardboard skirts that never move. People never used to care. The problem is that people that can never stop thinking about lewd behavior start projecting it onto everything to the point that everyone in the West has become overly conscious of it.


broski you 100% wrong lmao, you aint gonna take time to draw some shit like that and say "yeah this is much for realistic with them ass cheeks hanging out" lmao


Clearly you know nothing about art or animation. Yes, they do exactly that.

Jim Watkins

it's so weird that you're so mad and choosing this hill to die on lol... some personal issues clearly

Darryl Lowe

what app are they using to watch