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Buffy the Vampire Slayer 3x14 

Reaction: https://youtu.be/IicZshnEmJQ

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/buffy-the-vampire-slayer-premium/ (pg. 6) 

Young Justice 1x2

Reaction: https://youtu.be/6qSt6BeX8UQ

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/young-justice-premium/



Gorge Montoya

Weeeesssllllyyyy. One of the best character arcs in the Buffy-verse. “Can I lie to you now?” T-T


Vampires can be killed by beheading, burning with fire, sunlight, or excessive amount of holy water, penetration of the heart by a wooden object, or powerful explosives. A sword through the heart would not kill a vampire.

Shirlene Wright

BTW. The new watcher - Wesley Wyndham-Pryce played by Alexis Denisof is married to ( in real life) Alyson Hannigan who plays Willow Rosenberg. I think they have 2 kids. He was also in How I Met Your Mother.


gwendoline wasn't sent by the watchers council, she had already been removed from the council before she ever went to sunnydale. so they aren't replacing her because she was never part of their plan. faith was sent to sunnydale when her watched died so she could train under giles, and now wesley is both of their watcher. and yep, the council is in england!

Christopher simeon

Comments like these are spoilers. They explained earlier with similar fan comments about cordy.


Spoiling that hes gonna be around a while. Not cool

Chris K.

"They have to get rid of the new Watcher" 🤣


Just a little reminder about the difference in Buffy and Faith: in "Ted," when Buffy pushed Ted down the stairs and "killed" him, she immediately acknowledges her abuse of power & confesses to the police, accepting responsibility and any coming repercussions.

Ricardo Obregon

Wooooo Bad girls episode, its a fun episode And plus we meet wesley for the first time, *nobody say a thing of what happens to him.


ie, Robin discourse; There's been at least five Robins in the main DC canon (not counting elseworlds stuff like Carrie Kelley in Dark Knight Returns) Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Stephanie Brown, and Damian Wayne, and honestly there might be an additional one or two I'm forgetting.... The bat family is quite extensive.

Justin Brinkley

Buffy's attitude is altered after nearly being drowned to death again. Think When She Was Bad, s2ep1. Faith had already been influencing her to a degree, but there's noticeable change after the sewer. Like watching, not a fan of commenting too often this early in the series. I think Buffy s3 is one of the strongest seasons in a network show w 22 eps in a season. Hope you're enjoying the Buffyverse.

Justin Brinkley

Love when people get enthused about the Buffyverse, but pretty certain thay quote is inaccurate. Don't want anyone answering w updated quote either, just sayin. Don't Normies have a discord or something where the overly enthused can chat about spoilery buff stuff?


Buffy spoilers in the comments section getting a bit out of hand IMO.

Frankie H

The character Guardian was created by Jack Kirby and Joe Simon, the same guys who created Captain America. Comic book writers often copy their own work when they write comics for different companies. Edited part now: I always thought Marvel's Thanos and DC's Darkseid, very similar villains were both created by Jack Kirby. Thanks to Nsayel I now know that Jack Kirby didn't create Thanos. Jack Kirby created Darkseid, Starlin created Thanos later.

Frankie H

I didn't know that, I always thought it was Kirby. Thanks. Time to edit my comment.

Darth Skhorrn

Here is a brief history of all the Robins thusfar: Dick Grayson was the first one who formed the Teen Titans and left Gotham to become Nightwing. He was replaced by Jason Todd who had a bad attitude and may have thrown a criminal off a rooftop to his death. He was sold out to the Joker by his biological mother whom Jason had just met and who Joker was blackmailing. Joker beat Jason nearly to death with a crowbar and then killed both mother and son by blowing up the warehouse they were in. After Jason's death, Tim Drake became the new Robin because he had deduced both Batman and Nightwing's identities. He tried to convince Dick to go back to being Robin, but Grayson refused, so Tim stepped up and took the mantle himself. Even though Bruce was reluctant to take another sidekick after Jason, Tim proved himself by bringing down Two-Face. Canonically speaking, Tim was Robin for the longest amount of time, and his detective skills rival even Batman's. For a brief period of time, Tim stepped back from being a hero and his girlfriend at the time, Stephanie Brown took his place. She was the shortest lived Robin, both in tenure and lifespan. In an effort to prove herself to Batman, she placed herself in the middle of a gangwar and was killed by Black Mask. After that, Tim took over again as Robin until Bruce's apparent death when he and Darkseid killed each other. By this point, Damian Wayne was known to the Batfamily, but he was not one of them. After Bruce's death, Dick took over as Batman and made Damian his Robin. Even when Bruce came back to life (because everyone does in comics), he kept Damian as his Robin and Grayson went back to being Nightwing. And in an alternate universe where Jason was the last Robin, the Justice League was forced into retirement by the U.S. government, all except Superman. Bruce was retired for 10 years, but Gotham became such a hell-hole he had to come back out and become Batman again. In this universe, Carrie Kelley was a neglected child of hippie parents who was saved by Batman on his first night out of retirement. She bought a Robin costume and was following Batman's movements, and she saved his life when he was nearly beaten to death by a gang leader. Bruce made her his official sidekick and she helped him fight the Mutant leader, Joker, and even Superman. She grew up and became Catgirl.


To tag on to that Nightcrawler and Storm were originally going to be on the Legion of Superheroes team in DC but their creator brought them over to Marvel after relocating

Champion Bescos

Great summary of the various primary Robin’s, thank you. (: Just curious though, was there some sort of subconscious Grayson bias? I ask only in that everyone else got more of a rundown and he got a sentence (lol) which is odd considering he’s most people’s favorite Robin (though mine is Tim Drake).

Darth Skhorrn

I love Grayson (although Tim is also my favorite). But even though my intention was to be brief with everyone's descriptions, I found myself elaborating on them simply because everybody already knows who Dick Grayson is, even if they don't know anything about comics. It's just baked into the pop culture lexicon. I also wanted to avoid as many potential spoilers as I could for the show. The Normies don't know which Robin this is, and I wanted to avoid anything from the comics that wasn't *essential* to the history of the Robin mantle. I only mentioned Grayson becoming Nightwing because it is the key factor to Jason taking over the role. But for the most part, I tried to avoid spoiling anyone else's graduations because they will factor into the show to some degree.

Frankie H

Those two do seem like they'd fit in well with the Legion of Superheroes. That makes a lot of sense.