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Attack on Titan DUB 4x7

Reaction: https://youtu.be/HUHdefVDa1E

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/aotdub/ (pg. 8) 

The Office 3x3

Reaction: https://youtu.be/ASAgf8tnE8k

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/the-office/ (pg. 4) 




dumb ?? when you see early access this means it's not for $10 tier. Check premium access- don't be stupid


Premium Links?


Are the premium access links delayed? :) need my office fix <3


Where are the premium links?

Carlos Ruiz

I am confused, shouldn't they be on AOT 4 x 9 ?


I'll try to explain this with simple logic. Early access links are easier to repost cause they used to be premium. Premium links are new ones that the editors are currently working on. So of course, those having a slight delay is understandable.

Carlos Ruiz

0.o dang instead of a simple response, I get sass. Thanks for the info


People get tired of explaining the same exact thing every single day each week. Reading would've prevented the sass lol

Carlos Ruiz

Well some of us are new and just asking questions. I thought this was supposed to be a "welcoming group" but got it thanks

Michael Diaz

Sass also just isn’t necessary. If you’re tired of explaining it then don’t explain it. If you’re going to explain it anyways with the sass, just explain it without the sass. Making a simple mistake or not noticing something isn’t that big of a deal. But some people get irritable easily with that cactus up their prostrates so I guess I shouldn’t judge. lol

Twin Hallow

I mean its like any youtube channel. There is lots of different types of ppl. When its like 600K subscribers some ppl are gonna be mean or sassy lol.

J. J.

Most people have eyes and a brain, try using yours for 5 seconds, yeah it can be hard for someone like you but you can do it.


when i press Aot 4x7 it shows 1x7

Jim Watkins

you'll find this in every online community bro, 90% of people whose social lives are online is because they can't make/keep friends in real life... because they lack social skills and have emotional problems... they probably can't even understand why their comments are inappropriate... that's why I have so much respect for what the normies and other youtubers do because they deal with this on a daily basis as a job... their whole business model is based on losers with issues