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Attack on Titan DUB 4x8 

Reaction: https://youtu.be/BvWpaExOuNw

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/attack-on-titan-dub-premium/ (pg. 8) 

The Office 3x9 

Reaction: https://youtu.be/l6wFS4aEiS0

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/the-office-premium/ (pg. 5) 

The Office 3x10 

Reaction: https://youtu.be/kCuZWyA2eY0

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/the-office-premium/ (pg. 5) 




Just in case you guys didn’t know, the lady playing Carol is Steve Carell’s wife lol

rickie woodson

editing for the benihana ep is waaaaaaaaay different from mine. a whole scene is inserted in yours before they show benihana so i got thrown off in the full length. edit: oh i see how. i have the full two parter as one full hour ep instead of two separate ones like all the friends two parters. dont know why nbc does that on the dvds

Rando calrissian

I totally support what gabi did she killed an enemy combatant not a civilian

Erich Bomke

NOTE FOR ANYONE WATCHING THE OFFICE 3x10: If you are not watching the DVD version for full length its going to be completely off and different and you are going to be fighting to sync up the entire episode. You are going to need to play pause play pause your way through it.


Thank you Nikki, Pat, and Rana for the AoT reactions. Enjoyed them so far and look forward to the rest regardless of the way you react. I’m aware ppl would react differently and change perspectives accordingly to their own pace. I know I can’t prove this understanding to you considering I’m just someone who follows you on Patreon. But I thought I’d say that to prove a point to the moral high ground keyboard warriors in this community. Please spare us keyboard warriors, we know you are the most elite among us in every way fathomable. The plethora of what you are capable and willing to do at a moments notice for anyone and everyone is a testament that rivals God himself. Now will you all kindly fuck off, because I’ve never seen a dead horse get beaten the way you shit heads beat this one. You are here bc you pay to be here, how relevant do you think you are? 🤣 “if it was me I’d do this” yeah yeah we know tough guys we know. Yet they are about to physically weep while typing at the Normies about why they are wrong for reacting the way they do to an animated tv show. 🤣

Steffen Bauknecht

I always liked Eren from the beginning and I never liked Gabi.

Shawn Brink

"People are mean whaaaghggh. They have different opinions than me so they should shut up. I call other people cry babies while crying about those same cry babies. I compare people that watch TV shows for a kings ransom to Jesus Christ himself. That is how much I admire them. How dare anyone say anything negative to them. I am not emotional at all they are. Let me cuss at strangers on the internet over a difference."


Huh..? I don’t think you understood what you read my guy. Regardless of that, this was the best you had 🥱 C’mon now put some real thought and hostility into it! Don’t half ass it. But don’t take it too far either 🫣 no one likes that guy🙅🏽.


Same. And the english dub makes me dislike her more lol


ugh Gabi. The parallels with Eren are in attitude and stubbornness alone. Their motivations and the information they had from a young age are completely different. Gabi was a ferocious idiot before anything actually traumatic had ever happened to her. Eren was just a strong headed child who didn't want to be caged up. There can be parallels and still leave Gabi looking like a demonic little shit, but its not the same as Eren.... and I don't even like Eren.

Jacob Castle

homie if you dont consider being forced to become a child soldier and fight in a literal world war 1 style war that literally invented the concept of ptsd (shellshock) a traumatic experience then idk wtf you call traumatic. Only having your mom die to titans is pretty fucking mild in comparison

Garrett Gee

I equally hate Gabi and Eren, I like Erens ability to sacrifice for his goals, but the ends do not justify the means in my eye.


I think that's the whole point of the first few episodes of season 4, to reveal that while our guys have had bad childhoods, they actually had it good for a while until the wall was broken. On the other side, guys like Reiner and Gabi have had horrible childhoods from day 1. It's why Gabi is like this from the beginning, she didn't have an inciting incident that makes her like Eren, her entire childhood has been miserable. Ofcourse, we still like our guys because if you boil it down, our guys really havnt had a choice in any of this. Marley did have a choice, they could've left the island alone but they still tried to get the Founder to maintain their position in the rest of the world. Marley didnt need to do that but is doing it nonetheless, and created this imbalanced situation where Eren has the Founder and is hell-bent on fighting.

Kyle Turman

There's absolutely no way you didn't think he was annoying in season 3, punching himself and crying about being a piece of shit. I like Eren too, but he has a history of being a bitch like Gabi sometimes


The version on Peacock syncs up perfectly, I think that's what they're watching. I think the DVDs are different.

Chaos T

I don't like either characters but Eren is my least favorite mainstream anime main character.

Chaos T

Jacob, childhood trauma is really complex. Authority using child soldiers is one of the worst things in humanity for obvious reasons. In almost all cases where that happens, authority becomes the father and mother instead of the child's real parents. If a child is trained at an early age that killing the enemy is righteous because authority says so, they're not going to have the same state of mind as a child who grew up in an environment with a parental figure that loves them. It's weird to make PTSD into a competition.

Erich Bomke

I am on Netflix and it was missing massive chunks here and there. It would just skip 30 seconds ahead.


Please watch the versions that the double episodes are combined into one long episode. Your version is the shitty Peacock version and its impossible to watch with you. So basically any double episode will be unwatchable with the uncut.


@Jacob Castle I mean, both sides still end up losing someone they love and care about. Why compare it and why does it have to be better than the other? It might be mild to us as the viewers but the show is depicting it to us from the character's views and thoughts. If that happened to me IRL, Eren or Gabi, I would be feeling the same. ChaosT is right. That's kinda weird.


Jacob, I WOULD personally consider it traumatic because it would be a departure from my normal life, BUT SHE doesn't consider it traumatic. So it's not traumatic. She's already normalized her situation and decided it's time to goose step her way to uncle tom. GRISHA was living what he considered a normal life until something actually traumatized him, turning him into a Gabi-like idiot. It wasn't just the fact he was living interned due to his race that got to him. Trauma isn't just what an outside observer considers a bad circumstance it is what literally causes trauma.


Agree with Suraj. Subtitles need to go for The Office