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Ted Lasso 1x6 

Reaction: https://youtu.be/8-hTqkZH7m4

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/ted-lasso-premium/




So Monday only ted lasso ? Why so less content 😭 Add bleach in Monday as well. It's Naruto replacement after all

Liam Duggan

Any team can loan a player to any other team. Premier league teams loaning players to other premier league teams happens all the time. Also the club who owns the player can decide to recall them, they do have to pay a fee but the club that loaned the player has no say in if they can keep him or not.

Twin Hallow

It will probably just take a little longer to get something into the slot.


How did none of you guys catch that Allen Iverson reference? Specifically Pat and Suraj.

Rishi Shukla

Pat not catching the AI reference is borderline criminal. I question his bball fandom slightly after that.


Exactly I expected at least Pat to recognize it I mean that practice rant is iconic


Roy Kent yells "Silence!" which is also a Martin Scorsese movie LOL

Chaos T

I had to re-watch AI's "practice" rant after finishing this episode. Still legendary years later.

Chaos T

The loan and contract structure of athletes in football is a big reason why relegation can exist in football and won't happen in North American sports.

Chaos T

Even non-basketball fans know that iconic rant. Pat's reaction was disappointing.