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Buffy the Vampire Slayer 3x11

Reaction: https://youtu.be/zi5IQn_RH6c

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/buffy-the-vampire-slayer-premium/ (pg. 5) 



Ranjit Bahadur

Is there a replacement for Mirzapur in the works now that you guys have finished the series


i want to eat your pancreas would be a good anime moive to watch this weekend

K Murray

So the end of season three will be here before we know it. I don't think I've seen any discourse among fans about how the Normies should handle the inclusion of Angel the series (assuming they decide to watch it), so we might want to get the discussion going. Should they do a 1:1 view (Buffy 4x1, Angel 1x1, Buffy 4x2, Angel 1x2, etc) or a mixed viewing order like the Slay Alive guide? (Edit: here's the Slay Alive guide for those unaware of it: http://slayalive.com/showthread.php/3924-The-Buffy-Angel-watching-guide) There's pros and cons to both probably. 1:1 is more consistent and easier to schedule, as well as matches the Normies typical release format. Slay Alive is pretty popular among fans and reactors though, and I get the feeling a lot of us have watched other reactors follow it so it's familiar territory to us. Thoughts?

Cory Garron

I'm good with 1:1, at least until seasons 7/4 (when it would actually matter). Seasons 4/5 and 1/2 aired back to back on the same nights back in the day, anyway).

Chaos T

I would rather them finish Buffy and make the decision/have patreon decide to watch Angel after.

Morgan Le Fay

Agreed. 1:1 works well until the seasons where the order is integral come into it. FailWhale does it perfectly.

K Murray

@ChaosT I have to admit that was not a response I expected, nor do I really understand it. Why wait? I'm kind of working from an assumption that they WANT to watch Angel, and if they do there is really no reason to wait. If they don't then the discussion is kind of moot.


It will be good to see Angel reactions done well

rickie woodson

i was so not paying attention to the episode numbers that i didnt know it was THIS episode coming today. love any willow focused/magic ep

Anshuman Anshuman

Guys start the Family man in place of mirzapur asap

rickie woodson

a 1: 1 is ideal since 1. thats how it aired 2. there are eps where they have direct crossover (like the one with the ring) so it be best to watch both shows back to back so it all lines up contiuity wise. and it will help those with short memories. they can instantly go "yeah! that happened in buffy so they are continuing it here in angel. thats cool"

Derek Jolstead

Either way would be fine, people make too big a deal out of which order your HAVE to do sometimes. There’s only a few episodes that would fit better before/after others, at least earlier on. I can see some people liking switching to one show to finish a short arc before returning to the other, but it usually just results in reactors being away from one of the shows for longer than I’d prefer. Just as long as we’re not getting just one or the other a week. At that pace it would take like almost twice the time it took the shows to air.

rickie woodson

would make sense to just do both on thursday. not like there is anything else being uploaded. though i would love a buffy double drop, i'd settle for an angel/buffy drop on thursday. its still two shows!

rickie woodson

never heard of slay alive. in general i dont engage in fandoms. i treat my interests like my faith: solitary practicioner. thats why im always surprised when people say "this episode is famously hated by the fandom"........if you say so girl. i loved it lol

Keenan White

Do they even plan to react to Angel The Series? I don’t remember hearing anything brought up about that. And if they do, I really think they should just go back and forth, especially since they’re only doing one reaction a week, because if they were to…for example…follow the SlayAliveGuide, we would sometimes have to go as long as a month without one show or the other, now I love both shows so it doesn’t really matter to me personally, but the people who are just here for Buffy are going to complain about it, believe me I know, because of the other reactors that I follow who use the guide. I’m just saying…we’re starting to get a little deep into season 3 now, so it’s time for us to start discussing how the group should do these reactions moving forward.


I also prefer 1:1, since that's how they were released. The"guide" was created back in the DVD days and was to cut down on disc swapping, which doesn't matter anymore. Just my 2 cents.

K Murray

The guide is from less than five years ago and is for a (subjectively) more cohesive narrative path. Personally I don't have a strong opinion on which choice the Normies should make, but here is the rationale of the Slay Alive guide: "Yeah, that really doesn't work for me, the way it aired was one episode a week, so of course it made sense in that context. But you have the two-parters, the big arcs and some crazy cliffhangers, how do you not watch those episodes together? And the two shows have such different moods that I think it works much better to watch small batches of episodes to truly get into the story of both. That's even more true for the later seasons, since they both got more serialized."

Chaos T

People are expecting Buffy reactions since that was the show selected. Adding another show takes time away from other properties that could be reacted to; even if they are doing it in a 1:1 format. I like "Angel" but I also would like other shows to be reacted to. There's currently TV properties on the wheel they spin that have been voted on but haven't been reacted to yet. I don't think it's going to go over too well with Patreon members if they're adding an old show, in the same universe as a show they're currently watching, on the watch schedule without it being voted on in some capacity.


Where’s my hero????

Chris Peterson

Well I wouldn't worry too much how it will go over with the patrons, since everyone else in this thread is excited about them doing it. However I understand you don't want them to because you want them to react to some other show. That's fine.

Chris Peterson

Personally I would love it if they react to Angel. And if they do I would hope that they would just have a Buffy/Angel Thursday night where they react to one episode each of both shows. I think that would be ideal.


Yeah I haven't seen Angel myself, and I'd love to watch it along with them if they do react, but I just hope it doesn't delay Buffy at all. There's so many episodes I want to see them react to, some pretty far off still, so it would suck to have that time doubled by alternating weeks

Chaos T

How many people are in this thread vs how many patreon members do they have? It does matter especially when voted shows are already being waited on to be reacted to by people in other fandoms. I've subscribed to The Normies for a while and generally enjoy what they do however adding new shows while ignoring the backlog has been one of the problems with the patreon side of things for a while. It's not just Angel I have this issue with. I would be okay with them reacting to Angel but I feel patreon should have a voice if they're going to react to it while reacting to Buffy. That feels fair.

Ricardo Obregon

Wooo! Another Filler episode, a fun one - it is a willow-centric episode, so yay another fun thursday with the normies, ive been really enjoying rewatchinng the seaons 3 with the normies, and this is one of my top 3 fav seasons of buffy, (2, 3, 5.)

Johnny Blue

Y'all are trippin if you think the Normies can just sneak in an entire live action show with numerous seasons in a non-existent free slot because a handful of Patrons want them to do it for story's sake. This is the same Patreon that bitched about filler arcs in anime. There will be hell to pay if Patrons aren't at least polled before making a decision like this.

Douglas Kelley

There wasn’t a new dub episode. I do not know why they put “coming soon”

K Murray

So I do get where you guys are coming from, but it's not really germane to the discussion we're having here. I'm just asking that under the ASSUMPTION that they do watch Angel, how should it be handled.


If you’ve never seen Angel you need to watch it ASAP


I’d prefer 1:1 I can’t stand the Slay Alive list most reactors use


I think reactors guides are great for reactors who are buffy centric reactors or reacting to just a few shows as it can help keep the flow of certain story architecture. But for big reaction channels reacting to multiple shows, I think it's not as helpful. The normies watch of BTVS will be fragmented no matter what just with how they have to schedule reactions. IF they do react to Angel it should probably be Patreom exclusive and in 1:1 format.