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Cyberpunk: Edgerunners 1

Reaction: https://youtu.be/ynczwWMVtm4

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/cyberpunk-edgerunners-premium/





Danny Moore

When will Young Justice reactions come out?




Hot Take, but I think the Marketing team killed cyberpunk 2077. yes, there was bugs for console players mainly at launch, and yes, the game play isn't super revolutionary, but the main part of the game is the story. I have played through the game 3 times now and have loved the endings of all 3 playthroughs. The story beats are super satisfying. Whoever marketed the game as the god of all games where you can do literally anything really ruined its chances. Remove some of the Ubisoft type side missions and dedicate even more time to the story you would have a perfect game.

Matthew Cronin

Did you ever fix the office? Why give us a double drop but not really give us a double drop?


Cyberpunk "the anime" is amazing


The problem is that, it actually used to be a revolutionary game. They had to take a lot of stuff out due to time and bugs.


baby steps, I guess. I've been asking about double drops so I'll take the full length for now.


YES CYBERPUNK IS HERE i cant wait to see yalls reactions to this it may be short but it is still my 2nd alltime fav series now

Jordan Grinde

I watched all the episodes when it came out, it is so good :)


Am i literally the only person alive who thought the cyberpunk anime was mid af?

Chris Skalicky

I struggled making it through the 1st episode. I couldn't get engaged with any of it. Maybe I'll give it another shot down the road.


It's a lot cooler if you've played the game. All the locations you can actually go to in-game and it also has cameos from the soundtrack (that song) and characters from the game as well. I can understand the first episode seeming dry if you aren't familiar with any of that. But the story as a whole is really good. It's a one season show. Takes like 2 and a half hours to watch. Best to be watched as a movie imo.


Cyberpunk 2077 isn't dead. It's still in the top 50 most played games on steam. There are over 30k people playing it as I write this. It is above Skyrim and Rocket League.

Josef Beck

No. I don't get the hype either XD. And it doesn't make the game better at all.