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Attack on Titan DUB 4x3 

Reaction: https://youtu.be/XeZr8SSpwtI

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/attack-on-titan-dub-premium/ (pg. 8) 

The Office 3x2

Reaction: https://youtu.be/TvbDb-rtSY8

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/the-office-premium/ (pg. 4) 



Liam Wallace

Did y’all skip episode 2 of AoT?


It is located here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/75579683?utm_campaign=postshare_creator


That whole Spidey story was like that 23 year old found out from this 18 year old what a BIG DICK is and he threw it on the table for her and she realizes her fiance ain't shit then made Spidey the fiance with a place to stay and everything 😂😂😂


Sooo did we get any news about office potential double drops or no?


Just a heads up make sure to watch the uncut version of AOT Season 4 Part 1. There are a lot of details that they had to go back and fixed from the TV versions that you are currently watching.


I hate that Suraj had them all start talking over the Reiner attempted Suicide scene

Chaos T

Spidey has been a damn great addition to the crew.


Suraj said literally nothing when they talked over the suicide attempt...wtf


I hate that the comments have crippled Suraj to not say things...he should say some explanations that could help them even though I think suraj is a little dunce remembering things..like all normies, he gets in trouble for what?! I haven't really seen him say anything terribly spoilery or even remotely close he knows his friends enough lol. People need to stfu and leave him alone like all of y'all aren't pros in the industry of Reacting. He knows what to say and what not to say ... He shouldn't be silenced THIS hard. Most normies don't give a f about the comments.

Michael Diaz

He forgets things, but with Attack on Titan he seems to remember a lot more because it's a shorter show that he is now watching for at least the 4th time I believe.