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Probably not uploading this on YouTubes! Enjoy! Placing this in the $3 Patrons and up range to share an example of what to expect in the Vault.


Assassins Creed Trailer Reaction

Old reaction to Assassins creed trailer



The Ezio games were my favorites. Best comment I read about this trailer was that it's not authentic enough until they show him randomly jump backwards off the top of a building. I think I did that about a thousand times. XD Can't believe you haven't played, Suraj. You should play at least the second game before you see it so you'll appreciate the visuals in the movie more.


Navi, I read that they do Assassin's Creed tours of Italy.

LadyVenom Way

Much like Suraj, I have never played any. it was nice to se Navi so passionate about it! Looks good! I'm with Nahid, I actually love all the Resident Evil films.

Robyn DW

Mortal Combat was awesome!!


Now that you've told us that Bum Sniffer we have to get Micky and Suraj to do their Kano impressions next vid


I'm really thinking about playing one of the well received ones and I believe the second game was essential right?


I'm an Ezio fan so I like the 2nd and 3rd (Brotherhood) the best.

Dave Hampton

Thanks for putting this up. Nice bonus. I think the movie looks good. I have not played it before but I am now thinking about it.


Speaking of anime... have you guys seen One-Punch Man? If not that might be my react wheel choice.... either that or I'm sticking with Kid Nation haha

Danyal Aslam

Yeah everything after Black Flag was really bad, they were just rushing to release the games without properly porting it or creating an interesting story line. For me, Assassin's Creed 3 was the best one. Expecting great things from this movie!

Kya Wither

This was lit. Hoping to see more vault videos

Kya Wither

Navi, Nahid and Will having a discussion. Pat chillin like a villain. Ben trying to understand. Suraj trying to lead the discussion in multiple ways. And Rana falling asleep and on her phone. FREAKING NORMIES!! REEEEEEEEEEE


@kya wither u summed it all up nicely.