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Naruto Shippuden 453 

Reaction: https://youtu.be/QArf9F8076o

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/shippuden/ (pg. 30)

House of the Dragon 4 

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/house-of-the-dragon/

Rick and Morty 6x2 

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/rickandmorty/ (pg. 3) 




why do people just come and go now during reactions. Where is Rana?!


You guys should kinda fix your website before you force people to use it. Its everything but secure. FFS hire someone to help you out there if you have to (you obviously tried it yourself or let some guy work on it who clearly isn´t doing it professional). Oh, and did you guys ever visit your website on a desktop pc or laptop? I´m sorry, but my mother could create a website from scratch which won´t be that much of a torture to navigate trough... This is my peace out message anyway. I´m gonna let the subscription run out. The only interesting things you are watching these days is the office (one episode a week? Yeah, i might come back in 1-3 years to watch it all in one go probably) and a good movie here and there.


This isn't an airport homie, no need to announce your departure.


Yes, isn´t it obvious 2/3 of my post is just fluff and its totally only about my "departure" (which all of you totally care about). There was totally nothing else I was saying, right? I´m aware I´m coming off as aggressive. But if the normies want paying customers to go through their website, the least they can do is do security right.

Poison Ivy

I've never had issues using their website. It loads quickly for me, and it's easy to navigate and secure on my laptop. They put out tons of reactions each week, and if not everything of it is to your taste, that's hardly their fault. Just be kind and respect their hard work getting these reactions out.

J. J.

maybe she has a life, try getting one too

Michael Diaz

yo theses responses are rude as fuck. Also didn't "get off my dick" or similar phrases used to imply...you know...dick riding as opposed to "get off my balls" which implied the opposite? ALSO they asked why people were coming in and out of reactions NOW as opposed to the consistency before.

Jim Watkins

lol are you okay? life can be rough sometimes but there's really no reason to take it out on other people who work hard and do their best. I hope you find the help you need :)