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Hello you all generous humans!

We promised that we would make a skit based of your suggestions and here we are, asking for those suggestions. Please feel free to comment your ideas below this post!!

There is a rule for you to follow since we have limited time and resources. Tell us one sentence that you want us to include in the skit, one word or one prop (given that we have access or some way to make that prop). Please let us know about your suggestions by 11/20!

Thank you! 

Team Normies



Normie's death scene where Will beats someone up with Lucille


I request that Pat wears the prop I sent him this week.


I'd like the Westworld quote from last episode pls: "I thought you weren't supposed to notice things like that." (with or without the reply of "Why wouldn't I")... good luck :)


Something with Chris "stealing gold shit and partying in the desert" with that Arakh. :-D I know you can't ctually fight with it, but that would be so cool.

Danyal Aslam

Include more scenes with Suraj saying CORRAALLL


Rana says I drink and I know things the entire skit, nothing else


Just have Will smash something with Lucille. I'm a simple man. That's enough for me.

Luis Taleno

let it be gory!

LadyVenom Way

Can Will say "I have a passion for all things crazy, wacky and humorous!"

Joe Mags (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-14 19:48:21 "The King of the North!!!!" (repeat 5x min.) lol
2016-11-12 05:34:21 "The King of the North!!!!" (repeat 5x min.) lol

"The King of the North!!!!" (repeat 5x min.) lol


THANKS for the imput guys. all suggestions will be considered, even the bonkers ones :P closing this post now to figure out how to put this craziness together!