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FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! Michael and Dwight pick a fight with each other... so just another day at Dunder Mifflin. LOL 

Reaction: https://youtu.be/L7yN2h4jmbA

Uncut video above


rickie woodson

to answer your question pat: people like jim cause apparently he is "attractive" (i dont see it) and cause he represents the average american aka an intolerant bully. jim is a normie, dwight is a weirdo. normies cant handle weirdos cause we are too real and cool so instead of letting us be they attack us for just being ourselves aka different. not our faults yall too whack and weak to be unique, stand out and not go with the mainstream. if you had a life of your own instead of copying others you would be too busy living your life to worry about what we be doing. me: saw a bunch of weirdos with dressed like they came out of an anime today. i didnt pull a prank or say anything to them. jim would never........ i got picked on for listening to kpop, for not knowing popular american singers, for reading comics, for not playing video games, for liking "white music", for liking "girl things", for not drinking, for not lying, for being blunt/transparent, for not jumping for joy when someone is KILLED cause "hey he's bin laden an evil man" yeah no boo boo this is how a weirdo thinks "im want an evil person to just not be evil any more or put away where they cant hurt anyone. that doesnt mean i want them to be dead or that when they die i cheer". normies = evil. weirdos = good. im keeping it wonder woman baby!

Chaos T

Dwight cost Jim 1/4 of his salary for the year. Most people would throw hands. Your rant really makes no sense.


You're one the biggest weirdos here but the Normies seem to deal with you and your comments just fine

Champion Bescos

I’ve honestly never seen a reaction group react with such questionable feelings towards Jim lol. His pranks are frequent, sure, but mostly harmless. Then he often goes out of his way to help Dwight (and Michael) when the rest of the Office is apathetic or ambivalent to their feelings/health. He is a slacker and a joker, be he is shown to be a good guy to pretty much everyone in the office with a good head on his shoulders when things are serious. Obviously he’s not perfect and things can go too far, but comparing him to early Dwight’s routine selfish desire to lord over others, consolidate power, and attain the most money (as mentioned in the Diversity episode), and it’s not even an argument for me. At the end of the day, they’re both great characters.


This was a wild ride that started at Jim and ended with Bin Laden. Impressive.


Yikes. First of all, sry to a inform you, but being a weirdo that goes against the mainstream isn't a personality, also, funnily enough, it's very mainstream. And secondly, you seem to have a LOT of serious shit bottled up that you're projecting onto a simple relationship between two characters that are highly exaggerated caricatures of popular stereotypes and that interact with each other within a sitcom. They're not real people and it's not meant to be taken seriously. Over the course of the show, Dwight regularly puts the physical well being of his colleagues knowingly at risk, he is often incredibly rude, distasteful and obnoxious to the people around him. Do we because of that judge his character and perceive him as the bad and unlikable person he would be in real life? No, of course not, so Jim isn't the devil for the things about him that, if he were real, would make him a seriously unreflected bully or worse who can be really full of himself. It's a ridiculous comedy series, that's just not how this type of show is supposed to be consumed.

Zak Moran

A few weeks back I remember Mickey having such a big problem with him being a slacker, even though he and Dwight go back and forth being the top salesman at the branch. Lots of people give minimal effort at jobs they don't love and still do them well, just like Jim, but I thought it was so funny he felt Jim HAD to quit and go get a job he cared about because his laziness was unfair to the rest of the office.


Lmao you're the real life British immigration officer who got pissed processing John Krazinski's immigration papers entering the UK when he discovered my dude is married with kids to Emily Blunt, aren't you? Well, keep feeding your bitterness, it's clearly doing you wonders health-wise