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Michael learns where the line is.. and then crosses it as per usual. 

Reaction: https://youtu.be/kmkmXanNn6Q

Uncut video above



I thought nothing else could surprise me. Then I learned Pat is your HR department lol



Johnathan E Llorente

I’m Cuban and live in Miami and Pat is 100% accurate. No chill whatsoever 😂


yes omg I saw that before I watched their boys reactions and the amount he justified homelanders actions while being the HR department is so wild to me


It is actually a little worrying, but I'm guessing he just enjoys this stuff since it is fiction




Do people not like Marketa? She is great!


Pat's great. He likes to joke around and have a good time, but I absolutely believe he's good at his job and takes it seriously.


Pat being HR department makes me wanna work for the Normies


ya'lls reaction to the "gettin a boner" line is top tier entertainment. so great.


I thought this was common knowledge. They've referenced it in tons of reactions.

emily ღ

i watched y'all's parks reactions on youtube but got so excited for you to do the office and immediately became a patreon. i may or may not have binged all your office videos thus far last night lol now i'm chomping at the bit for the next one to be uploaded. so glad you're loving this show. i love that while so many parts can be and are cringe, you still can enjoy it and appreciate it for what it is. it makes your reactions even more enjoyable 💗

Caleb Bee

As much as I was looking forward to you guys reacting to The Office, I'm ngl I'm kinda disappointed with the reception so far. Seems like each episode all you can talk about is how cringe the jokes are, but there's so many more layers. Michael is supposed to be an endearing character; like a child who you know means well and is innately good but sometimes says things that should be left unsaid, uses the wrong words, and lacks self awareness. It seems like most of the couch is more annoyed with him than anything, and I don't get it bc he's fucking hilarious - if you're constantly gonna cringe/get offended at his jokes then this show isn't for you. I know y'all are only 2 episodes into the 2nd season but if by season 3 you're still not a fan of the humor (and thats completely ok) then its prolly best to leave the folks who actually enjoy the show and the humor to react to it (Pat, Micky, Suraj). The office crew is not supposed to illustrate a real life office setting and I feel like Marketa, Spidey, and Chris are judging what they see on screen through the lens of interpersonal relationships of a real life office setting and that's just a a recipe for not enjoying the show. Sure there are aspects of it that are relatable but its supposed to be ridiculous, over the top, and completely ludicrous; like of course Michael would say Phyllis in fact gives him a boner bc he's a child trying to compliment an employee of his that he cares about so in his mind the most flattering thing he can think to say to an older lady is that she turns him on (his whole goal is to boost her ego after Packer just called her a dud). When you analyze Michaels actions beyond the words he chooses you get a peek at his true heart instead of focusing on how "cringe" it is. Just my two cents for anyone who cares to read.


the amount of harassment pam and ryan get from michael on a daily basis is WILD lol


"judging what they see on screen through the lens of interpersonal relationships of a real life office setting and that's just a a recipe for not enjoying the show" But that's kinda the entire premise of the show. You're supposed to judge the behavior of characters like Michael. When Michael makes an inappropriate comment, the audience cringes and laughs *because* its inappropriate. You can recognize that his inappropriate behavior is well-intentioned or ignorant while still focusing on it being inappropriate. I think the whole "he's a child trying to compliment an employee of his that he cares about so in his mind the most flattering thing he can think to say to an older lady is that she turns him on" is pretty obvious to the viewer. It's still cringey as hell lol


they will understand the characters with time, trust me this's who most people felt about Michael at fist. they will get there soon..


I agree with you. They're just so... ugh, idk. They're like PC Principal. REALLY don't like Marketa (kinda hypocrite lots of times) and the guy with braids. Like, they can't just chill sometimes and have to be all judgmental.


Unfortunately this is what we get when Fox News spends years telling everyone that they're upset about everything. It really is super annoying how these guys seem to just be watching it to point out when it's "crossing the line". Like stop thinking about that garbage, who cares, just laugh at the jokes. Feels more like they're monitoring it so they can go WOAH THAT COULDN'T BE MADE TODAY (despite the fact everything in this show could and is still made today). It's actual cringe.


Exactly. It's wild to me how many people excuse the stuff Michael says and does because he's "well intended." He's not a child. He's a man in his what? 40s? And people still want to coddle him? Madness. You can recognise his intentions and also point out the way he executed them are ignorant and cringey. Also, some people just won't like him. I watched the show in full and didn't end up liking him. People are going to have different experiences with a character. Your fave isn't going to end up being everyone else's fave despite all their supposed character development.


Michael is by far my least "favourite" character of the main cast, and he is only that "high" because his cringe-inducing personality and mannerisms are occasionally chuckle-worthy.


I love the show, I’ve seen it dozens of times and I agree that it should be viewed as a comedy. I think Michael is what holds the show together and definitely has a lot of depth, but it’s absolutely okay not to find him “endearing” as a character. I was going to list some of the absolutely horrible things he’s done (not just quirky or well-intentioned) but I want to hold back on spoilers. I will say that he’s made a “joke” on one occasion that could have actually caused death or grievous injury. In the episodes so far we’ve already seen him commit both physical and verbal sexual harassment. Again, he’s one of my favorite characters, but his actions are sometimes inexcusable even if you consider his childlike nature.

rickie woodson

agree. they say "its cringe humor"...no, no idea that tomfoolery is and dont need to. FAKE NEWS. its absurdism humor. intentionally over the top and showing extreme ends of personalities and situations. there is a bit of satire to it as well. but i know it took me some time to like michael. once he got that hair piece in is around the time he had endeared himself to me. so maybe they will grow to love him as they get to know him more? but they so do need to get over this "cringe" stuff. this has NOTHING over sunny and if they cant handle this prime time mainstream channel show, oooh boy. those reactions are going to have walk outs and cussing at the screen moments lol