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How many of us would you sacrifice to stay young and beautiful forever?

Reaction: https://youtu.be/sO3lBSfgcpk

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Ricardo Obregon

Wooooo! Another really episode guys, another one of my top favorite episodes of this season, this is really one of the best seasons of the series.


Also they have established that vampires don’t show up in mirrors in 1x11 Angel appears without a reflection and willow asks him how he’s able to shave without being able to see himself

Paul Mason

I can't tell you how many times I watched this episode before I realised that was Ford at the end. I think it's because they have the scene where Ford "wakes up" an is like "OK, give me my reward" and Spike looks meaningfully at him. BUT it seems like he kept his word. Maybe he just realised Buffy would stake him reight away.

Christopher simeon

This episode and buffy wanting the lie at the end to make things easier is important. remember that in the finale.


I want to ask that you please remember Chantarelle...for way down the line.


Oh my I forgot that Jason Behr played Ford in Buffy, it just makes me wanna rewatch his show, Roswell, for the 4th time lol its highly recommend an one of my favorite shows to watch

Jordan Haddow

I don't know. I think it kind of is a bit of unexpected character development for Spike. We are lead to believe that vampires are really demons with no conscience, but Spike appears to have some sense of honor, since he fulfilled his side of the bargain despite losing Buffy. It adds to the development that he sacrificed all those humans, including a slayer with her slayer blood, all for Drusilla. It adds depth to the Buffverse's vampire lore too.

Jordan Haddow

There is a lot of lore being built up in this episode, which is something I personally love in this show. We get how the definition of who is good and who is evil is spelled out. Basically, it doesn't matter which side you take, it really comes down to the choices you make. Also, it opens up a whole new layer in the slayer lore. When the show first starts, we are basically told there are demons and vampires, which are evil, and Buffy kills them. Then the episode Angel introduced the concept of demons that aren't evil. So, it added a whole new responsibility to Buffy. Before, she was simply the warrior killing demons. Afterwards, she also became the judge of them, having to decide if they warranted being killed. Now, we have been introduced to the concept of, what does Buffy do as the slayer if the evil being is a human? Especially a human that has a lot of terrible things going on that may somehow justify his evil actions. Fortunately for her, Ford was turned into a vampire, so he fell under her jurisdiction as it were. Still, it opens up the concept of what sort of action can Buffy take against a human foe? Does being the slayer give her any rights to judge or even execute a human doing something evil?

rickie woodson

thats roswell! well max the star of roswell, an early 2000s show. sigh so ymmy

rickie woodson

people with compassion and empathy: ooh noooo. poor ford. now i get it. normies: fuck you dude. me: sigh, thank you for making me a weirdo, oshun

Mariah Fallon

Man I love the last lines at the end of this one,and was holding my breath hoping yall would really get to hear them but that big vampire reveal caused too much commotion. I just think that "lie to me" is such a perfect line with the context of the episode and the title and the she gives the best delivery.