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We refuse to believe that this ends in just 2 more episodes!  There's just no way.

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/attackontitan/ (pg. 6)



Christian Callahan

Rumors are saying there will be a final movie


Can't wait for the final final final season.....😂🙄😑


There's 139 chapters in the manga and this episode ends on ch 128. Soooo yeah...there will 100% be a movie or 3rd part

Bliss 28

Hot take. Attack on titan is overrated af. I wish I knew what the big deal about it is. 😕. It's nothing special


I totally appreciate you being able to have such a wrong opinion


Hot take. You sound like a snob with a dumb opinion. Nothing special? You clearly haven't watched the show. If AOT is "nothing special", then everything else is trash because AOT is peak storytelling in anime. want to know what the big deal is? Stfu and watch the show.

Christian Callahan

Yeah apparently there are 10 chapters left to adapt so there is no way they will be able to cover all of them in just 2 remaining episodes


Hot take: it's fine if someone doesn't like a show. It's fine if someone likes it. There's no need to be salty about it.


Hot take. It's fine to dislike a show if you actually watched it and have a valid argument to call it overrated. But to not even watch a show and then hate on it just because others enjoy it to feel better about himself? Nah he doesn't get a pass for being a snob.


My not so hot take: It's amazing, one of my fav anime by far. But people calling it "peak storytelling" need to chill a little. Again it's genuinely a fucking awesome show, but "peak storytelling" is how it can be considered overrated.


Anybody that calls anime peak storytelling only reads books with pictures


lol do you guys not remember what happens when Armin transforms.....

Kamina 1

How much of Attack on Titan have you actually watched Bliss?


Floch getting his ass handed to him by an Asian granny was the best part of this episode

J. J.

lol the ending of this series makes it right, what a god a damn shitty ending, simp Eren.


Shit, RIP Daz lol. Good thing Historia wasn't around to see this

Shenahatsu Kyjiin

I don't see how they can see the faults and wrongdoings of Floch and the Yeagerist and not see how it's the same for Eren...The World is doing to Paradis, what the Yeagerist are doing to the opposition, and the result is Armin and Company having to kill because the Yeagerist WILL NOT backdown. The World has Targeted Paradis to be Eradicated and WILL NOT back down leaving Eren with the same choice. Not saying Eren is morally right, but it's easy to understand his posistion.

John Brooks


Shenahatsu Kyjiin

If you actually want to know and aren't just saying that to throw a jab then it's pretty obvious. AoT is highly rated because it handles 3 things very well. Foreshadowing, Mystery, and Tension, those particular traits in any medium are phenomenal driving forces in entertaining the viewer, and AoT does it masterfully. You take that and then add good production and commentary on real-life philosophy, well then you have a home-run. AoT is not perfect, but nothing is, to call it over-rated is your choice but from as an objective critical standpoint as possible AoT is made good to great.

John Brooks

Genocide is the big dilemma everyone feels, we all know genocide is wrong on it's face, just like killing. But in self-defense is killing wrong? Would committing genocide in self-defense be wrong if not doing so means genocide will be committed on you and your people and everyone you love and care for? I'd say it is not. Laying down and allowing genocide to be committed on you is even more wrong to me. Freedom is fought for and everyone has different ideas about how to handle it: Marco/Armin wanted to talk and negotiate, Mikasa felt people misunderstood Eldians, but Eren knows better than them and so does Zeke. They both pointed out "there isn't time for that" in separate scenes in S4 P1. Eren, who is potentially omnipotent and omniscient in comparison to other characters, disagrees with them because he feels strongly there is no misconception about their race, it is the truth. Eren also feels strongly negotiations aren't something they have time for or that will work after centuries of hatred. The entire globe declared war on them for RACIST reasons, so next time you say "Genocide is wrong", remember both sides are attempting it!!! Eren is just successfully doing so unlike Marley who sucked at it. And Eren's values behind his genocide attempt are a direct result of the threat posed to him, not embedded by brainwashing racism. If the whole world makes you their enemy and won't stop until each of you is dead, ALL repercussions are fair game.

John Brooks

Personally, I can't confirm, but in my opinion, Eren decided what he was going to do in s4 p1. When Willie said the world "declares war" you can see Eren's eyes get big, like the moment of confirmation was there that he hoped wouldn't come. It's war, them vs us, genocide or nothing. that's my thoughts on Eren's stance.


They said many times that what the world is trying to do to Paradis is extremely wrong and fucked up. And when they say "genocide is wrong", it's clear how they mean it regardless of who's actually doing it. It just so happens that in these latest episodes said statement ends up being pointed at Eren and his followers since, well... rumbling. Also, if we apply the "an eye for an eye" reasoning, the world's hatred is just as justified as Eren's. 2000 years of complete and horrifying subjugation don't simply disappear in the timespan of 100 years. Even tho the current generation wasn't directly involved, it's understandable why they would want to eradicate the main menace of the last two millennia. It's wrong, but you can see where it's coming from. Just like, you guessed it, Eren's rumbling. That's the whole point of this story. And what's the answer to solve such a conflict? Not genocide, that's for sure. One of the involved parts should be mature (if we can even call it that) enought to step down. Would said part be eradicated by the other? Most likely, yes. AoT's lesson is that while there is no easy way to solve this kind of issues, war is never going to be the one. Oh, and by the way, Eren is very much not "omniscient". Far from it, if anything.

John Brooks

I guess you're right it seems more like it's being pointed at Eren lately, but in the context it is Connie and Armin (Team Stop Eren) vs Samuel and Daz (Jaegerists) and the argument "genocide is wrong" is definitely applicable for both sides, but we can't overlook the difference: There was peace. They were on an island. Marley decided to provoke out of fear of a threat, thus creating the threat that would have otherwise remained dormant. One side was proactively genocidal while the other was reactively. It's certainly a cyclical monstrosity, but there are key differences which makes it hard to take a "both sides bad" stance. More like "this side was worse circa year XXXX" is the only way to attack it. Regardless, living through past sins is dumb as Hange highlighted. Doing so, makes you ignorant to the present and more prone to failing in the present to learn from the past. In the present in Season 1 or in the present now in Season 4 is the question. Because then it becomes whatever "present" is convenient to the argument. I am going from the start of the show, which is the main arc timeline, even if chronologically other things happened. That's how I treat all shows, although I get there is a 4-year time skip, we're talking about a generational issue, not 4-years. In Season 1, there was no threat until Annie, Bert and Reiner shook that whole society up. No human being on the planet living in Season 1 was ever terrorized by an Eldian unless Marley did it, it had been over 100 years since the King took them to the island. Marley went looking for genocide when the threat was gone, out of fear. Whereas Eldia is doing what they need to do to survive each step of the way as information is provided. I think from a MORAL standpoint, that is a huge difference in the two sides at play and one that should be highlighted. Like I said, killing CAN be justified with self-defense. Eldia was aggressing and Marley was in self-defense UP UNTIL the king left to the island. From there, it was simple. Don't mess with the island, we all have peace. Marley made a choice to brainwash youth and get the entire world to team up in a literal race war, now the consequences are they lose the war and that's wrong? No atrocity is ever equal, so forgive me if spamming "genocide is wrong" is kind of a lazy take to me to treat both sides equal when they clearly aren't. "potentially omnipotent and omniscient in comparison to other characters", don't leave out the context now. Compared to the average character, Eren knows an immeasurable amount more and has powers that have never been measured the capacity of. There is truly no way of knowing at this point in the show how much he knows or doesn't compared to other characters.


@John Brooks Eren didn't decide anything in Liberio, everything that's happened up until now and what's going to happen in the future has ALREADY been decided. It can't be changed. Attack on Titan's "time/memory travel" operates in a closed loop. The Attack Titan can see memories of its future holders and Grisha already saw this outcome way back, around the time the walls fell. Eren himself only saw this outcome when he kissed Historia's hand in the S3 finale. That's why he's changed so drastically and become so deadpan. He knows what's coming is inevitable because the "future him" whose memories Grisha saw BEFORE he'd even received the Attack Titan had already set things in motion. He's just filling in the blanks leading up to that outcome. Ironically, Eren is just as much a slave as everyone else in the show no matter how vehemently he denies it.

Professor Nebula

@Polygon You took the words right out of my mouth. I don't understand how others could have watched the same series of events and seriously conclude that Eren (or anyone in the series for that matter) have free will.


If anything, Eren's slavery is even deeper than just that. Plotwise he's in a closed time loop. Thematically though, even without the time loop, Eren still feels enslaved. He feels enslaved and powerless to the situations he's in. He feels forced to choose the Rumbling or Zeke's plan or some other outcome he does not want. He "feels" forced to fight. But his feelings aren't reality. One thing that always annoys me is that Eldia is not special here. The people of Paradis deserve to be wiped out as much as those in the rest of the world. Which is to say that, they do. Humanity's inability to understand one another lead to this moment and the same cycle will play out again. Pyxis brought this up to Erwin in Season 3. "When will humanity stop fighting and killing each other? When there is no one left." Is it our fate to kill ourselves to annihilation? Whether if be the Rumbling or real life nukes, this is the question the series asks. P.S. It always annoys me when I hear people justify what Eren is doing with trauma or self-defense. Those same things apply to everyone, not just Eldia or Eren. Willy Tybur thinks what he is doing is self-defense because frankly, he's right. Eren has world destroying powers and the intent to use them. I like what Eren's doing, but I also understand that he isn't special

John Brooks

I just think there is a key difference in the approach. Proactive and reactive and in terms of morality that is typically important. Being an aggressor and being aggressed on are two totally different things that deserve unequal responses. Like I said above just a blanket argument of “genocide is wrong” is a lazy take that will never take context into account. The original conflict ended over 100 years before episode 1 of this series. Magath and his team of Warriors started a new conflict. Without that action, none of this happens. Eldians still live on Paradis ignorant and Marley would be the only one terrorizing people with Titans. The truth is mutual peace was offered, the world felt they could win a fight, so they picked one. And clearly they miscalculated Eldian’s abilities to enact self-defense when their lives are threatened.

Jim Watkins

no I like the skits at the start, keep it up guys, the content is solid!!