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Itachi activates the Visual Jutsu Izanami to trap Kabuto’s mind. Itachi then explains to Sasuke how Izanami was originally developed to keep the Uchiha from abusing the power of Izanagi.



Let’s goooo!!!! So hype

Darren Metts

Dang sucks they reacted to these without everyone

Darren Metts

You could say izanami and kotoamatsukami are one in the same sort of


Is that the english dub voice actor for Eren Yaeger? He even said "move forward" lol

Darren Metts

“I didn’t know we were gonna get an amazing sasuke itachi episode here”. Lol wonder what he said next episode only one way to find out see ya

Joshua Krienke

This is my favorite episode of anime ever.

Joshua Krienke

Naori is unironically my favorite Uchiha. That flashback was so good.


This and the next are some of the best episodes


The brother reveal was great and underrated by the fandom.


Funny enough that you mention it, when Doctor Strange first came out I enjoyed it but said “the finale was literally just Izanami though” lol.


That was beautiful :)

Chaos T

I forgot how good the Kabuto hell loop episodes were.


Itachi the goat.


I low key love kabuto. Always thought he is a cool character

Anas Ghadfi

Remember when the mangekyo was said to be only achieved by like 3 people in history? yeah me neither.


great stuff

Redouane Akel

Vegeta : "Remember when the super saiyan was said to be a ONE IN A MILLION situation ? yeah me neither. "

Misael Matute

Im glad Mickey came around to Kabuto... He was just a victim.


When rana says “u did this to yourself(referring to sasuke)” well that’s def not true

my new name

@Suraj funny joke with the kunoichi I laughed haha


The problem with this flashback is that it retconned needing both Senju and Uchiha DNA to perform the Izanagi, and I really do not like that. It makes the Izanami feel pulled out of nowhere.