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Well I saw some of the comments and now I am not sure I wanna see the results of this poll but the curiosity is getting the best of me :D Exactly how much excitement do you feel about our latest addition?! 


Mob K.O.

lol 😂😂😂 love you guys

James jackson

Where does "pretty much indifferent because i have never seen the source material" vote?


I never watched the show myself but If you guys wanna watch it. I personally have no issues wit that

John M

I’ll watch some to gauge the overall reaction, but I’m personally more of fan of the spinoff, Angel. As unlikely as it is, if you continue watching Buffy I hope you’ll watch Angel at some point too.

Big Mike

I respectfully absolutely hate your addition .. no disrespect to anyone who loves it


Saw a couple episodes before. I'll peep


I was not expecting Buffy but I Am Here For It.


The best episode is the Musical Episode in season 4 or 5 I believe. Everything else I saw with my mom a million times as a kid and don't much care to see again.

Alex sh

Completely uninterested

Rando calrissian

I'm on the cautiously open minded side

Björn Petersen

Sorry to say but 5he show aged very badly


Never been a fan or cared for Buffy personally, but I understand that there is a fanbase for it. Still not something I will watch reactions to tho.

Aaryn Frazier

Buffy is one of my ABSOLUTE favorites. Despite everything with Whedon and all that, I still love it. I hope you have a wonderful time!


I've never seen buffy but I'm not opposed to it ig

Isaiah Cox

Buffy ain’t my style so I’m indifferent to it

Daniel Sessions

I like the show and will definitely catch yalls reactions it was never like a favorite but I think it's pretty cool



Daniel R

the fandom is the worst once you reach a certain point but I think the reactions would be great lmao

Joe Mags

At least it’s not one of them terrible naruto or mha cartoons


Y'all know where I stand


Aside from the spike and buffy nostalgia I'm largely indifferent to this show now.


Season 6 in fact. (i.e., that'll be a long wait for you....)

Amanda B

So excited!!! - A Reaction I will Watch


I watched when it was new (though I joined a tad late, so I had to catch up). It's pretty consistently high quality in seasons 2 and 3 IMO, but individual quite brilliant episodes turn up in other seasons, all the way through.


Buffy is such a good show i'm so happy


Personally I'm not interested in Buffy reactions. It was good for its time but unless you're already a fan I don't think the show has aged well. That being said, you're reacting to several shows I enjoy so if you guys decide to keep watching buffy, it ain't no big deal.


and yet has episodes which are still considered some of the best episodes of tv show history ever and are studied in art school lmao


So many others are doing this show right now and I have no interest or nostalgia for it. Others can enjoy it if they can but for me it's a skip. Would've preferred The Office when Parks and Rec ended over this.


I personally will not be giving a single second of my life or view to Buffy. You guys can still watch it if you won’t but I won’t even be watching let alone commenting. I almost unsubscribe when I saw episode 1 posted.


I actually just finished watching Buffy the first time yesterday so this was a really amazing surprise, sure certain parts of the show haven't aged well but it's still gonna be very fun to see your reactions to it


I feel like the best time to have reacted to this particular show has passed. I mean you promised you would, and if it is what you guys really want to do, then that's your choice of course. I don't really have any interest. It's also not entirely clear if this is taking the slot for Parks and Rec or not. I think a little clarity there would help, especially if something like The Office or It's Always Sunny is in the works. (I do remember a poll recently? I think?)

Calvin Allen

So much Buffy hate in these comments


Won't be watching. It was bad when it came out and it's still bad now. With the recent evidence about how Joss Whedon treated the cast and how he treats women in general, I definitely won't be watching anything produced by him. All that aside, I think ridiculously long shows like this one are bad for the channel unless it's a masterpiece or defined a genre/generation.


I want to second the thought that it isn't so much that I am upset that this is the new series, it's more that I know for a fact that I will not watch these particular reactions. Now if you did One Piece, I would definitely watch those....just sayin'. Buffy is like the CW DC shows before they were a thing


"Unless it defined a genre/generation"... um, the general consensus from fans and critics alike is that it has, whether you personally like it or not.

Aidin the SEX GOD McDickens

I don't watch Buffy but I also wouldn't watch One Piece. Don't listen to that guy. It'd literally take you guys 10 years just to catch up.


God the whinging is fucking wild. Do you really like every single other show these people watch?

Matthew Cronin

But still keep watching it. Who knows maybe we’ll all get into it and then we’ll have a big backlog


I'm sure Buffy fans are excited to watch through, but as a non-fan it's just a really long show that will take up a live action slot on the channel for 144 weeks / 2 years, 10 months if you watch 1 episode per week. As someone who doesn't watch anime there aren't any live action series I want to watch on the channel now - at least with shorter shows the next thing is only a few months away. At the end of the day you gotta do you and this may have been the best choice for the channel in which case great! Just sharing my opinion


I'm with you- I don't watch ANY Anime so... that leaves how many live action shows for me?

Rebekah Reed

Huge fan of the show and cannot wait to see your reactions to its iconic moments! I hope you don’t get discouraged :)


Anyone else sick of the anime stans and people whining because their show didn't get chosen? I watch anime but jesus christ, some of you guys really need to chill.


I completely agree. I like Buffy but I LOVE the Angel series. Season 5 is incredible.


I mainly only watch anime but I gatta agree with you here! Some fandoms are just tiring


Why would you guys pick a show without making a poll for it and then end up making a poll to see if your patrons like the show that you didn't make a poll for? I'm not surprised 1-3 has the most votes. I would understand if you picked currently popular shows like Cobra Kai, Peacemaker, All of Us Are Dead or The Legend of Vox Machina but watching Buffy for the next 3 years is not a smart move imo.

Eline Cote

I am so excited! This was the first show I ever watched all the way through and it still has a special place in my heart. Because of this so many other shows were made!


Lol I mean it’s their channel and stuff but I guess they should have asked if people were interested to know where people stood! Not like I care if they watch it for the next 3 years they can do whatever they want


Ecstatic to see this. Going to be one of the reaction series that I rewatch repeatedly, like I still do with avatar.


I say there’s more current series you could’ve watched


Like peacemaker


Buffy is a great show and I’m excited for this


Man I swear the nerve of some people. If you don’t like a certain show that they’re reacting to then there’s a simple solution to that. Don’t watch it. Nobody’s forcing you or making you watch anything you don’t like. I personally was not expecting a reaction to Buffy but I’m glad that they did. Buffy the vampire slayer is a classic show.

K Murray

Everyone should watch Buffy.


It's not like they are asking our opinion on the decision...

Michael Chaira

Unrelated, kinda because it has to do with reactions, but are you guys gonna do a movie reaction to Scream 5 since its out on digital. I saw your reaction to A Quiet Place and it's sequel, and I wanna see more of those funny reactions to horror (especially Rana's)😆


If someone doesn’t like a show then that’s they’re right . What’s pissing me off is that most of these commenters who are complaining are criticizing a show that they themselves admitted to not even watching one episode of. And then have the nerve to demand and dictate what show they should watch on there own channel/Patreon page.


i wish it was vampire diaries 😩


I don't watch nor know about any this shit but I picked the one that is the utter disappointment lmao

Daniel Gonzalez

I like David's show better so I went 7-9 tho I really won't watch every episode but 4-6 seemed too low think I'm probably more of a 6.5

Smitty Werbenjagermanjensen #1

Totally not interested. I love you guys but your last few additions don’t really interest me. I’ll always support y’all, but I’ll probably just sign on to a lower tier until the seasons of the shows I like that y’all react to comeback🤙🏾


I don’t care what anyone says. I’m EXCITED for this, a classic live action series? Let’s get it


I’m mildly interested to see your Buffy reactions. BUT I am still anxiously awaiting Downton Abbey to get any kind of attention from you guys…. 😔

Vincent Valentin

Buffy is the best. (the first season not so much) also while the current normie viewership might not be all in on it, itll def bring in new people through youtube.

Vincent Valentin

im 30 and love it so it has nothing to do with age.

Rando calrissian

If yall are enjoying the show stick with it

Joel Sasmad

Why? Like for all you know this could be the greatest thing ever but your putting it down for literally no reason here.

Joel Sasmad

I mean neither have I but I know it is a cult classic and look forward to seeing some of these reactions to test the waters if it is for me.

Adam Vialpando

Another show for me to skip.

Joel Sasmad

I'm looking forward to seeing some of the reactions to test if the show is for me or not.

Joel Sasmad

I'm gonna look at some of the reactions to see if it is for me. There are alot of good shows I never would have even heard of if not for reactions like this.

Adam Vialpando

Same. I loved this growing up and I still have a soft spot for it but there is nothing that makes me want to recommend to others as a must-watch. At least not stuff that hasn't already been done better by other shows.


I have no horse in this race as i've never seen Buffy (except a few bits here and there when i was a kid), but i do find it funny you picked up a show on your own and then AFTER reacting to it asked your patreons how they feel about it lol. This poll shouldn't have been made, it just invites people getting pissy about it. Actually, tbh i'm glad you guys are reacting to stuff that's not on polls and of your own choosing (though starting with something as big as Buffy is a choice lol, it's gonna take about 3 years to finish, or so google-fu tells me).

Ricardo Obregon

to be honest im just waiting for one piece, but yes to whoever chose buffy; i really dont knw if you guys are going to make it all the way. My Advice would be just to have fun with it, dont think too much, this is not Aot.... might even help to drink or smoke before (just saying) as a huge and devoted fan i am for both buffy and angel, it is kind of a rough start, i mean this is 90's glory days but even then the effects and cringyness is rough for newcomers. i hope and pray you guys get through this.

Ricardo Obregon

also just throwing out there just in case you need another recommendation, that I knw for sure all of you would like alot, and many fans would love to watch to react.... Im talkingabout OVERLORD the Anime. only 3 seasons so far... but its amazing and a breeeze to get through.


I'm a little confused. Was Buffy part of a poll or just trying to see anyone is interested in the reactions?


I never seen Buffy so it's just another RWBY, Clone Wars, shows I just haven't seen.


I’ve got my own mom primed to watch these reactions, haha.

Chaos T

I like Buffy but it hasn't aged well and Joss Whedon being a shit bag doesn't help. There are much better shows in the same genre.


interesting i was big fan of buffy between ages 5-8. guess its worth giving another shot two decades later


I mean... Excited to the point that I immediately joined the patreon when I saw it was chose.


Seems we will still get a replacement for the sitcom... but also, what others are doing Buffy? I mean, aside from tiny channels...

Randy Neal

I am very happy for the Buffy reaction. It's great to see a non anime show get some love and this show is a classic. Each season gets better and better. As of now, I only look forward to a few shows on the channel and now I can add Buffy to the list. Just don't stop until the end.


Since it's taking The Wire's slot, I think this is perfectly fine. Thanks for the clarification :)


Man the Buffy fans are really upset that the majority don't like or care about Buffy. Yet somehow voicing a opinion when asked is toxic and hateful so it deserves anger and hate as a response lol.


Seems to me the arguments are not about Buffy but are in response to the comments saying stuff like "this made me unsubscribe" and "why would you guys pick this without asking us first? " It's not about if you like it or not, it's about the ridiculous overreaction from some. It's fine not to like it, or be uninterested, but the feeling of entitlement on here is unmatched... And consistent. Tldr: don't gaslight homie

jose giron

as much as i love this show I would of rather y'all watch something more recent like euphoria rn I ain't disappointed though this is a great show


I tried to watch it a long time ago but, for whatever reason, i couldn’t get into it. All I can remember was thinking the show seemed overrated, like it felt like a self-proclaimed classic, if that makes any sense. But idk it just wasn’t my vibe then and I hear it didn’t age well either so I probably just won’t watch it.


In my opinion Angel was better than Buffy 🙄

Gershwin Alessandro Farao

I literally fell asleep to this reaction lmao I know it's not the couch, so it must be the series. It's a "time trapped series" it was good for it's time. It seriously didn't age well. I gave it a chance. It's garbage bin juice.


Buffy is the best. I legit became a patron just for it because it's a fantastic show to watch and watch reactions to.


Honestly I hope yall keep Buffy. Not because I'm a fan of the show but because it'll piss off all the cry babies.


Are you guys gonna do a poll for what takes Parks and Rec cause we need that and I hope scrubs win


I've only seen some of Buffy(a handful of episodes) way back in the day. I don't really have an opinion on it in any direction, I'm not particularly hyped that you're reacting to it, and I may only end up watching the first reaction. That being said, it seems to me that there are a lot of fans of the show already here, and more joining now that it's been added...so if you guys enjoy the show and they enjoy the reactions then what's the problem lol?

Benjamin Donahue

Loved Buffy back in highschool. not sure I ever would have thought of it as a reaction. More surprised than anything. Not sure I'll even watch it

Oscar Flores

I’m not particularly a fan of Buffy and I probably won’t be watching the reactions, but since it’s a show that y’all “want” to watch, i think y’all should stick with it.

Jesse Vincente

I just want more anime lol


I feel if we were doing a show in this genre, Supernatural would be better. Seasons 1-5


I just want to watch naruto nothing else


If length is an issue with Buffy for some at 7 seasons, I don't think 15 seasons of Supernatural will be greeted well lol

Erwin Smith

I'd rather watch Angel but obviously you'd have to watch Buffy first. Watch whatever but you'll get a better fan attention from Supernatural if you havent seen it.


Sorry, I forgot this is a personal thing and not universal BUT to me Supernatural ended at season 5.


No one's stopping you from doing that. Although it would be very fun to see what would happen if we could stop you...I haven't seen a good explosive tantrum since my cousin told her 4 year old she wouldn't buy him a candy


Rn I mainly there for the haikyuu, naruto, and memes. I think JoJo or Dr. Stone would be good ones to watch too in the future


Okay but when are you all going to react to Bleach? Lol

Hank Scorpio

The replacement for The Wire is Buffy the Vampire slayer? Not The Sopranos or something similar? Where the fuck was the poll for this?


Honestly super disappointed. There’s so many better shows deserving of your time. (That are NOT anime)

Hank Scorpio

@iJashin That was a poll for The Good Place crew, not The Wire. And if you remember correctly 2 shows beat it out. And also most people were very Meh about the rest of the shows on that poll that didn't make the top 3.


Get some Ozark in this bitch! Haha

EJ Roldan

Love yall and love this series happy for it and hope we continue with it hopefully it doesnt get dropped... buffyverse ftw

Casey Van Duin

I watched Buffy during its original run and is still to this day my number 1 favourite show over GOT and Parks and Rec. I have watched a lot of reactions channels who watch Buffy and everyone falls in love with it. Season 1 is pretty much monster of the week but it really gets better in season 2. Hope you stick with it for the while run.