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This film is not for the weak. What an interesting concept and plot but DAMN!!! Have you guys watched this film before? If so, what did you think? 

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/uncutmovies/ (pg. 7)

Reaction video above


Mr. Big Stuff

You guys are killing it with theses movie choices. Great political commentary movie


daniel kaluuya looks different


I really enjoyed the movie, I was a little disappointed with the ending but overall I thought it was a fantastic movie.


Let’s go, enjoyed it very much when it was released


Wow what a pleasant surprise! Never seen anyone else watching/taking a about this


It's like a mashup of Cube and Snowpiercer.

Josue morales

loved the reaction and the discussion with everyone's own interpretation of what the movie meant


For those wondering how it really ended. The most popular post on reddit talks about how the child was just another hallucination and when the cake got back up to the top everyone thought it was uneaten cause there was hair on it. This theory was supported in that one scene in the middle of the movie when the head chef searches for the cook with black hair. So basically there was no real change and the people at the top still don't know what truly happens inside the platforms.


well... thats fucking dark. but also makes a lot of sense. I like this theory. - Micky -


Have you guys heard a buzzing sound in there reactions lately?

jose giron

Legit think yall would fuck with martyrs lol I know it was said as a joke but I would love to see yall react to it, the original french martyrs none of that us remake shit, revenge is also an excellent french thriller that I think yall would fuck with, especially the ladies




Bri throwing her book at the end fucking killed me 😂


I may have misunderstood but I think that Marketa might be remembering the end of Life of Pi differently. The main character doesn't eat the people but I think Marketa is confusing the ending of Life of Pi since while Pi doesn't eat anyone on the boat Pi tells 2 stories to the insurance agents after he's rescued. One was what actually happened to him and the other is one in which the cook killed his mom and then Pi killed the cook