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Hey Normies and happy Friday!!! 

We are making this poll because we really want to watch the Kakashi filler arc episodes but ultimately would rather leave the decision in your hands. 

Let us know by voting, and if you have any other tidbits of info you feel like sharing about the filler arc, comment below 😊

Voting ends Tuesday March 1st at 12PM EST!

P.S. The Itachi Shinden arc will be reacted to regardless of the poll results!! 



I think you should watch it, mostly so I can see Rana's reaction to Kakashi😂

Bliss 28

13 episodes though? At least wait until you finish the Canon episodes


Would definitely be worth watching


It’s def a good watch but there’s a lot of crossover between that and Itachi’s backstory. Just so you can keep that in mind if you end up watching both.


There is a itachi one thats way later on that you should watch as well


It's really unnecessary, because the upcoming episodes are some of the most important in shippuden.

Anna Grigoryan

Kakashi and Itachis fillers definitely are worth watching out of the fillers

Darrell Henry

Absolutely I really don’t care what the poll result is you should still watch it. I was one who got mad earlier at the fillers you chose to watch but this is different it provides important context to an important character especially with what comes later in the canon. WATCH IT!

Kamina 1

I would say no. But since you guys really want to watch, i voted for you guys to WATCH IT. Enjoy normies.


Aldo watch the what if filler its great and not that long it shows what happens if minato never dies please


I’m sure y’all have heard this all before but: while this is filler, this arc is as close to canon as a filler arc can get and it’s a bunch of very serious and really cool episodes about Kakashi’s past (which the normies love!) and it does not feel “filler-like” at all


They rewrite Yamato’s backstory and it makes the already confusing timeline even more confusing, so I don’t think it’s worth it just for some non-cannon Kakashi filler. If you guys do want to do it I would recommend watching it after you finish the series otherwise it may change how you view the rest of the cannon story


You will not be disappointed. It adds alot of context to the show and i love it. You guys should definitely watch it. Its worth it. I would also recommend watching episodes 347 and 348 that is stated as filler but its really awesome backstory. Please please please dont miss it.


Im fine with it if we don’t spend 2 months watching it. Maybe try and condense it to two weeks of releases please?


PSA: The Itachi Shinden arc will be reacted to regardless of the poll results!!


You guys gotta see itachi arc too kakashi yamato good also


Will yall be reacting to episodes 347 and 348 that is stated as filler too. Just before the kakashi one. I highly recommend watching it.

D.j. Lachmandas

The kakashi arc is better than the Itachi one


I’ve never watched it and found every filler I have seen to be not worth it. Curious: why is it better than the others (no spoilers)? Writing is better etc?


Yes please watch it. I don’t see why some comments are saying you shouldn’t.


I say yes but I suggest do it AFTER finishing the war arc since its already so long and it kills the momentum of the war.


skip all the filler arcs you can watch them later


It’s a shame it’s 13 episodes and will be such a long break from war, but we can’t deny Rana some more kakashi

Zero Requiem

Nah it would take forever to finish

Joshua Krienke

The Kakashi filler is honestly pretty boring. There’s some cool stuff in there but not enough to justify it being 13 episodes long. And this is coming from someone that loves watching filler.


It fills out Kakshi a little better as a character and fills in all the plot holes from Naruto and Shippuden in one arc. It also goes over Kakashi's severe PTSD from the war. Not gonna lie it's slow at some parts but if they binge watch it it's really good.


why should I decide am I your bloody mom...why is a group of 30 year olds asking a bunch of internet degenerates what should be done, ffs why is it so difficult for people to be smart


Kakashi Anbu arc got some meat on it. Pause


I would say yes but only if it doesn’t affect the canon schedule. The kakashi and itachi fillers are so good in my opinion, love the story! Up to y’all though in the end, have fun with it!


anyone saying watching the filler arcs will improve the war arc is a liar


im not even saying the filler arcs are bad im just saying do not delay this long ass war with pointless episodes that you can watch at a later date


Definitely not. Pretty much all fillers add nothing to the series..


I do want you guys to watch the Kakashi filler but spending multiple weeks on it is a bit tedious. Triple drops here and there would be great to help get back to the war arc.


Just a guess of mine and I might be off, but possibly MAYBE because us degenerates support and pay so we get a choice as to what we want as well


No, it's something the Normies should definitely watch. It fills out Kakashi and really solidify him and his past. Main thing is it sets up the BIG MOMENT quite beautifully and pulls every emotion a little better. It also reminds some things the Normies most likely forgot, so it won't be confusing when they get to THAT MOMENT, lol.

Chaos T

I love democracy. Keep on voting yes everyone!


Its a really good but no more necessary then the other filler arcs, it adds very little


yes but at the same time you see most of it in flash backs during the war. its filler cannon

Mario Carranza

While I personally enjoyed the Kakashi filler. It's a no from me considering how long the canon stuff is for the war arc.


Normies it’s not worth 13 episodes please don’t listen to the Fans and Skip this arc but react to the Itachi filler

Johnny Blue

The Itachi backstory will be reacted to regardless of this poll.


Yes to complete his backstory


the Kakashi, itachi, hashirama and madara, and the sage of 6 paths and his family fillers are all necessary imo

Nikolai Stoykov .

The first half you can skip, the second half is INCREDIBLE! :)

Shaun Forbes

As someone who misses the triple dropped Naruto at the end of the month, I would like for the filler arc to not interrupt the regular schedule. Let's push forward with the regular schedule. I say do the arc with people who are interested in doing that on the side but don't take away from the release schedule of the main story. For example have Rana and Suraj and whoever else wants to binge the hell out of the filler arc in a day or two and release it concurrently with the regular schedule. This way you get the best of both worlds, and I think after taking away the triple drops we should be due for some bonus Naruto content but that's just me.

Dan Heki

This one is the best among all of them. To an extent, it isn't that much of a filler if I recall correctly since I watched it nearly a year back. As far as I can remember, it had a significant storyline regarding Kakashi's character development. I enjoyed it quite enough for a filler-type arc. It's just that a large number of us want you to get to the action faster, so maybe it would be better to drop more episodes one at a time🙃.


Yes! If it could be edited down so it doesn't take so long to react to would be a plus.


PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE WATCH IT!!! It’s my favorite! I’ve rewatched it so many times. It’s amazing!!!!

Rando calrissian

Please wait until you watch the cannon episode the arc is 13 episodes

Liam D

Kakashi filler arc is one of the few good ones but canon takes priority. So i vote no.


Love this arc and would love the reactions to it. Would want you guys to do what you want to do - obviously it’s a huge silver lining that that just meets my own opinion🤩 For me, better to have a reaction to it than none at all. The canon reactions will still take place so it’s not like we won’t get them, just later.

Benjamin Donahue

I'm against it, but as they say "Do you, boo boo" XD


I would have voted yes if it wasn't so damn long. It also interrupts the main plot at a really unbearable time

C.E. West (Galvastorm)

The only reason I’m saying Yes is because there are Kakashi fans within the Normies and those fillers carry VITAL information. Especially for future episodes. I don’t want you guys too be confused because you decided to skip it like the Sound Ninja 4 war filler…

Adrian Bisutti

pretty sure the kakashi arc is after the important epsiodes that i think you are referring too


There are holes the filler fills in so i say Yes

Mia White

You should watch it after you finish the whole show

Kenneth segovia

Canon, not Conan, those fillers are dope


This arc answers so many questions that the manga story never will, and some of them are questions you guys have been asking since Part 1. Definitely gotta watch!

Antonio Bacon

Man I swear the war arc in the comments gets better every week, I'm here for it tho

Chaos T

I would like to see more filler reactions.


At least now people won't get mad at the Normies for watching filler 🤷‍♂️


fasho, the kakashi fillers are really good

Opera Baritone

It’s a great arc! I voted yes and, of course, it’s up to the Normies with how they do it. However, my preference would be to watch it after they finish the Shippuden manga canon. But I’ll be content either way! :) (Also, Itachi Shinden is so dope. They can watch that whenever imo.)


Of all the filler, at least THIS filler! I know opinion varies on this arc, but I can tell that the Normies specifically are gonna love it. So let them watch!


This arc is a waste of time. For real just skip it. They can watch it on their own time


watch it for sure


If you really want to watch it, watch it after the whole Cannon episodes (After the series end)


genuinely one of the best filler arcs in the series. gives a lot of insight into why kakashi is the way he is and really adds to the impact.


it would take them roughly 6 weeks to watch the filler arc. I think its not necessary but it is a good watch. personally since I watched naruto when it was released this arc was a slog and right in between some god parts in the arc. My vote is no but would like them to react to it after they finished the whole series. also, would like to see them watch the infinite tsuki no me. but also after the series.


I’d be fine if they watched it now, or if they decided to wait until the end. But I fully believe it’s better to watch it sooner than later.


It's good but it drags on, overstaying it's welcome.


the itachi one im all for

Michael Diaz

Why is this even a question? It’s canonical storyline so YES! It puts context into the entire series. lol


Everybody that wants the to finish the series as fast as they can are lame fucks... I've been wanting y'all to watch the side arcs during the war for a while. It's not even a question...watch it! It's good stuff... The itachi one too


Honestly, I feel like there are so many great stories in the side arcs that are important for character development.


Honestly, I'm surprised it's even this close. Kakashi's backstory arc is really important to who he is as a character, not to mention super relevant to what's coming up.


This arc is from a book the author wrote. So technically it’s not filler. Enjoy fam 🙏🏽


WE ALL AGREE you should watch the arc even the people that voted no but watching it in the middle of the war makes absolutely no sense when you can just watch it after the shows finished


Episodes with itachi in it is better go for it

Erwin Smith

I don't mind either way but in my opinion that arc is an example of fan service for Kakashi and Itachi. Reminds me of when I was watching Game of thrones season s 5-7. It's enjoyable but not necessary. Also putting it in the middle of the war arc was annoying when it first came out. Just my opinion as you should do the majority or what you guys feel:)


I don't care what you choose just watch it or review it or react to it and save it for holiday specials or something as long as its something. It is interesting backstory for Kakashi and Itachi, a little fillery IMO but apparently canon. Though I personally voted to watch it lol

Chaos T

Isn't there some debate about the "filler" arc being canon anyways? It should be watched if this was in the source material.


I think it is more important backstory than filler, watch it

Fred Carmichael

While I love this mini arc, I do agree that SOME of the episodes are very skippable

n p

Redo the poll: 1. Watch it now 2. Watch it Later 3. Don't Watch it Option 2 will pull votes from both options in the current poll and win.

Bryan Cartagena

Definitely glad I will binge their reactions in a couple months as I have no intention to pay for 2 months of filler.Lol What in the hell is wrong with everyone’s obsession over these fillers?


if you guys decide to watch it, do it ONLY after shippuden or something because i think war arc > kakashi filler for now


Better question is what's with all these people paying for a patreon subscription for ONE show lol


Good arc, but I don't think it's the best time to watch it now. If the filler has started, Many including me would jjust unsubscribe until we log on and see tha It you finished the arc and new actual story episodes are out then renew our subscribtion and watch all episodes arc/main story in one month

junior clarke

Definitely after the main story. I sub for Naruto to be fair and everything else is a bonus. Wouldn't want to sit through an arc that's not canon.


I’d say watch it but watch it after you finish the series it’s literally so many episodes where nothing happens


watch after honestly


Final vote, we lit