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Kabuto’s quest to discover his true identity has led him over the years to collect, analyze, and use the abilities of all shinobi within him, including Kimimaro, the Sound Four and Orochimaru.


Bliss 28

It's been a minute

my new name




Pervy Sage

Drinking too much water made her brain swell, she did not drown. Also it was for a Wii


I'm surprised it took you guys so long to see it was resetting.

Brendan O'Connor

Kabuto stabs Itachi *Heat of the Moment by Asia starts playing*

Joshua Cox

How is the OP spoilery?

Neal Cabanos

You know your homie’s loyal when he turns you into one of his dicks after you die. Kabuto a real one to the Sound Five


No hate, but if we were waiting for these drops to have everyone back it would have been nice to have Chris (hope all is well)


Has somebody started cutting onions for next week ?


well it would be a spoiler to tell you.. it happens pretty early on in the op. it's possible that they wouldn't even catch it but if they did it could definitely give something away


Biggest asspull in the story. Yeah the Uchia just had a just that CAN CHANGE FATE no big deal and not important info till now.

The Evil Queen

The 1st time i watched the Izanami loop scene it reminded of that scene in the 1st Doctor Strange movie when Stephen Strange trapped Dormammu in a time loop.


Come on homie. It doesn't change fate, It is basically a weaker version of Tsukuyomi.


i thought we skipped a week to get everyone back and you miss the best reactor Chris ?


Not me thinking we’d get 3 this week 🥲


What's Navi's problem with Sasuke?

_ FlusterCluck

Izanami is bullshit, the uchiha are god sent


I honestly don't know why the discord told you STILL couldn't watch the op since they're already past the point to where it be a spoiler


He a bitch and his fan base is full of entitled dick riders who for some reason think he’s the greatest character ever but that’s pretty much the problem with all of the Naruto character fan base except for the characters aren’t all emo little shits

Johnny Blue

Stop talking about the OP and why it's spoilery or not. They're not gonna change their stance on it. Move on with your lives.


One day they're gonna watch the Junchurriki song with subtitles 😅😅


Dude it's kinda obvious that you and the other discord peeps have repeatedly given the Normies bad info of when to watch certain intros and episodes. The fact you immediately dismissed my comment proves as much since you think your word is law.

Benjamin Donahue

Kabuto now knows what it's like to watch the same flashback 50 times XD


Viewers get put in the Izanami Everytime a flashback is placed in Naruto...I don't remember it being this bad as a kid but damn lol

Christian Callahan

I wonder who the bigger Orochimaru Stan is, Suraj or the reactor According to Lucky lol

Michael Diaz

Micky: This is cute but... this is like the fifth time we've seen this? Micky.... What are their names again? Of the tailed beasts and all the jinchuuriki? That's what I thought. :U lol

Michael Diaz

I do. I think it was worse back then. I tolerate it more now because people apparently actually do be forgettin shit. I hate it when it takes up a whole episode and it isn't that interesting or important, or when they repeat the same one over and over.


Itachi Shippudeeen! But Itachi is seriously the GOAT. He’s effectively a plot device/force of the universe at this point. But yeah, if they ever do a “Naruto Kai” type thing, I hope they cut out the excessive flashbacks.


Nahhh y’all are tripping. It’s has to be 3 episodes a week. No bs


How many times are you niggas gonna ask before you realize they’re NOT gonna do 3 a week. They have lives and a bunch of other shows to watch…


Lol we are at the point in Naruto where the story goes all to shit. The pacing and constant incessant flashbacks destroy this backend of the story. Outside of very specific upcoming moments the rest of this is just bad.


yall should make a skitt where an insane Normies fan collects each Normie DNA like Kabuto did, and shows up and acts crazy and yall freak out,