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Sasuke and Itachi team up to stop Kabuto’s Reanimation Jutsu. But Kabuto’s new ability to use Nature Energy has made him a difficult target for the brothers to land their Susano’o attack.


my new name




Zachary Longworth

Suraj talking bout “he already looked at itachi. He lost right?” Lol


Since kabuto said he took jugos ability to always absorb nature energy wouldn’t that result in infinite sage mode for kabuto or am I tripping?


I think he didn’t have to take Jugo ability because he actually mastered Sage Mode, which the curse mark simulate but with drawbacks(rampages).


Wednesdays are the best

_ FlusterCluck

Everybody is a hater to kabuto, talk as much as you want he’s done things Orochimaru couldn’t.


yea, Kabuto’s glasses)

Neal Cabanos

Remember when Naruto was about working hard to achieve your dreams? Yeah, it turns out you’re screwed if your clan isn’t special :P

Dino Morte

Minato Namikaze, Killer Bee, Kabuto, Danzo, Jaraiya, Orochimaru, Kakuzu, Hidan, Deidara, Kisame, Zabuza. These are all shinobi who are strong af with no special clan just through their experiments/intellect or just abilities. No Uchiha or Senju dna. So Naruto is still bout that lol. Not all strong people in the show from special clans. So I can’t agree. Look at Sakura the most regular clan yet she scales to Tsunade, a senju.


Funny how they’re so right yet so wrong about the genjutsu


Wait why do they hate kabuto so much lol


Kabochimaru vs the uchihas


he pretty much has orochimaru to thank for all of it too lol

T.E. Stroud

In what universe is a dragon a snake with wings? Dragons have legs and arms. If anything, it would be a lizard or something similar, right? Sure, they’re both reptiles, but still…


That's a good question I think I thought the same way r there different sages.

Benjamin Donahue

That we know of now there are only 3 animals that the Sanin summon that have the Sages. It's easy to miss but they brought it up in here and I think once in the past. There's Mt. Myoboku (frogs), the Ryuchi Cave (snakes), and Kabuto said the Shikotsu Woods (slugs)


Kabuto at this point is clearly far superior to Orochimaru plz pay attention💀 even a sick Itachi could defeat Orochimaru and Kabuto was taking on both a stronger sasuke and itachi

Michael Diaz

Micky's silly attempt to hate on Kabuto after he's become clearly much cooler than Orochimaru was is fascinating. He LOOKS cooler. He's got cooler powers. He's a major part in playing everyone and causing the high stakes of this war. He's the reason we saw all these characters again. He's smart. He's got sage mode. And I like how they're just going off on the fact that he still has his glasses. I REALLY hope they remember that shit later on. lol Great reaction though, guys.

Christian Callahan

You guys underestimate Kabuto too much, he was stated to be on the same level as Kakashi who was a elite Jonin when he was first introduced, he was never weak


Don’t forget Normies that Jugo’s clan are able to use nature energy


They under estimate them because they dont like him,


Because in the beginning Kabuto did a lot of bad things, spying, back stabbing, fighting like a bitch, according to them, and kicking an old woman while she was down,

Misael Matute

Haha Mickey be hating!

Misael Matute

Did they not catch that Kabuto was blind during that attack? Which makes the glasses even funnier...

Mark M

only true fan is rana, others forget is a anime an question the "obvious". so dumb is cringe bad memory, there is always a backstory and twist in naruto at least wait


God that moment when Itachi opens his eye, and the music swells, and he bursts into crows and light? That was incredible.


you all are forgetting that onoki was healed by the greatest healer to ever exist in Tsunaade and constantly getting chakra supply by her if not her, he would've died after getting hit by that meteorite by not recovering good and basically dying