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Tsunade leaves her post as Medic Ninja to join the other Kage in fighting Madara. Meanwhile, Sasuke goes after Itachi and learns that his brother intends on stopping Kabuto’s Reanimation Jutsu.


Bliss 28


Ben Felton

What the hell happened to your patrons

Adam Ilioff

It’s the kill bill intro

John Vick

I dont know what funny about the Kabuto's barrier? Ninjas can create barriers using many things.. you can also put a BARRIER on A WALL. Kabuto's barrier was not just a wall. IT WAS ON THE WALL. Like this BARRIER IS ON THE WALL: I take one of your own reaction videos https://youtu.be/e9rnGY5XD28?t=529 The akatsuki hideout where Sasori and Deidara were first. ...see it's a big wall but it also has a barrier on it. Do you get it now how it is ment in this universe?

Bliss 28

Thank you Navi for not constantly making jokes throughout every reaction


Their comments about Itachi are just plain stupid, which is ironic since Suraj is also the one who called Itachi dumb. So Itachi says the pain of the living having to fight the reanimated shinobi is greater than the reanimated shinobi who are forced to fight, and both Suraj and Chris find it contradictory because Itachi killed his clan? First of all, what's the correlation between the 2? Second of all, do you guys even slightly remember why Itachi did what he did, or did all that get thrown out the window? I don't recall Itachi doing what he did because of evil intentions like Kabuto. Have absolutely no idea what they're acting like it's the same thing.


Suraj should probably be muted the second a character speaks cause he seems to find it funny/annoying every time and always has the need to point it out.

John Vick

You keep talking when MADARA is TALKING. YOU DON'T TALK... When MADARA is TALKING. YOu listen you dont talk. Even Putin and Trump don't have the balls to talk when MADARA is talking.


Can’t wait for 339! 💙


Itachi did what he did because of a naive delusion. Ultimately, he still committed genocide which can and could never be justified. He wasn't just a soldier following orders too (even that isn't a justification, and soldiers can be trialed for war crimes after "following orders"). He made a decision to commit an atrocity because of the assumption that it would prevent a war. The one thing that Naruto as a show does poorly is that it's too forgiving when it comes to redeeming villains.

John Vick

Omg you people... Kabuto some episodes ago explained to TOBI, how the REANIMATION JUTSU can be stopped . here YOUR REACTION AGAIN: https://youtu.be/fEePZyiuIgA?t=927 And now you all again don't recall anything that was said??? Rana keeps writing things down, but what is the point if you dont even use that to remind yourself anything from previous episodes?

John Vick

People do care many are frustrated how they don't remember key stuff from the show. Things that are already explained . Also who are you to tell me stfu?? STFU yourself. Getting Criticism is a part of life they are all adults.. are they so week that they need you to come here and play white knight??


I feel like you guys are a little way to hard on sasuke sometimes I mean like I definitely get it but still, I understand why he has many questions because simply no one has ever given him true answers to anything that’s ever happened from og Naruto up into this point. That’s apart of his character, since day one people have been keeping things from him and lying to him so he is very mistrustful and demands answers because he just doesn’t get them. It’s like sasuke always has to find shit out on his own which hurts him even more because at that point it’s either too late or another traumatic thing is happening to him. Just think about it, he’s been lied to a ever since he was a kid when his whole clan got slaughter and even after that by his village, even before his clan got killed people were still keeping things from him. It’s actually kinda the same with Naruto his whole life people been keeping them from him, he had to find out about the nine tails all by himself, he had to find out about his dad and his mom just so many things. Idk I just feel like sometimes the sasuke hate gets a little annoying when you are clearly looking at things that set up the way his character acts now. Sasuke is meant to be the outlier of the show, the wild card essentially. People def under appreciate him as a character simply because he’s doing things based on the way he came up all the way to this point (like what did you expect) I mean I get it tho but still. This show is trying to preach that the actions of many over the years have effected and spread hatred Toward the entire world and that resolving those problems and coming together is what can cause that change and removed hatred. Sasuke character is def a reflection of the world Naruto lives in and is currently risking his life for. Just a little thought.


All they do is criticise in a state of ignorance. Luckily this is just a piece of fiction, but imagine judging real people like this

Brendan O'Connor

6:26, did any of them catch that line? I feel like if they did they would’ve been speculating as to what that meant


The constant need to tell Sasuke to shut it is so unnecessary. Like sorry he is one of the most realistic characters in this show and needs answers to his questions that never get fucking answered




Chill guys its their first reaction. They could miss few important points here and there but at least its genuine. They'll get there at some point. Keep it up Normies looking forward for the next one!


Man people in these comments really need a timeout, they are way too intense.


Can ya'll do triple reactions for the next two weeks?

Joseph thompson

I love how all y’all just talk shit on their first reaction while also paying them on a monthly basis lol. If you don’t enjoy them or their perspective then un-sub and fuck off 😂


What the fuck is up with the comments here? Jesus Christ y'all have some chill.

Ruben Lopez

Man that ending discussion was hilarious even for the Normies lol its true Sasuke asking questions in the middle of the fight lmao


God, the dialogue in Naruto is so bad sometimes because of how the pacing forces it to be unnecessarily dragged out. That talk between Kabuto and the brothers could have easily been chopped in half without losing anything of substance.


Anyone else a little upset that they triple dropped naruto shippuden on youtube today but won’t triple drop for patreon… kind of ass backwards ya know

Michael Diaz

SONIC CASINO LEVEL. You guys are making me happy with the Sonic shoutouts just ALL THE TIME. (I'm starting to think it's just for me. :3 ...... Probably not) BUT WHERE'S THE SONIC MOVIE REACTION? Or the reaction to the Sonic 2 trailer? :U Anyhoo... I think you're more like 80% done with Shippuden. I think.

Michael Diaz

Also Choza's voice IS Dimple's voice. You don't even have to listen closely. It's very distinct. A lot of Naruto voices are in a bunch of other anime. Since you bring up Sonic so much let me just... Deidara is Sonic's voice. Sakura (originally) and lno (currently) is Tails. Jugo is Knuckles. Kisame is Shadow. Tobi (the Looney Tune version) is Jet the Hawk. Kiba is Big the Cat.

Michael Diaz

AND does Kabuto's POSSIBLE lie about the jutsu really warrant taking the risk and killing him anyways, even if it might turn out he's telling the truth? Personally, I don't see any reason to think he's lying here since he is still planning to fight them. He wouldn't need to do that if he thinks merely lying would save him. It sounds more like he's taunting this fact because it means, in his mind, that he's a step ahead of them.


No vibe check comments. Shit getting wild around here

Chris V

Holy shit, that "You've been murdered." line from Chris almost flew over my head. Clever.

Gershwin Alessandro Farao

I'm kinda disappointed that guys don't like flashbacks, because a couple of really important flashbacks are coming up between now and the end of the week.

Twin Hallow

That last opening is one of my favs.


sometimes you guys think you are right when you say shit that you continue to make jokes about it but you are either misinformed or just blatanly wrong

Kamina 1

Madara's shit talking is so good that it even get's under the normies skin lol.


Y'all are being way too hard on Sasuke 😅😅

Benjamin Donahue

Don't recall if It'll ever be fully answered in series so to answer Chris' question about Tsunade. The reason she dosen't actually look the same age as the other two Sannin is actually also the draw back of her 100 healings jutsu. That jutsu rapidly increases the rate in which the users cells divide drastically increasing the body's ability to heal making her near impossible to actually kill in a battle. HOWEVER the number of times your cells can actually do this is finite (and possibly predetermined). The total number of times this can happen is actually your life span, and how far into that total process you are is expressed as your age. So while she can't be immediately killed, this jutsu is shortening her lifespan as a whole. For anyone to beat her they actually just have to keep damaging her, and she'll eventually just die (but no idea how much, or for how long). This is why even though Tsunade is constantly using a Jutsu to look young but in the moments when we see here weakened she looks SIGNIFICANTLY over 50. By now her body may as well be physically older than Sarutobi's and we have no idea how much longer she will actually live. Hell her "vanity" jutsu may actually be the thing that's fighting like Alzheimers.

Sage Strong Bear

“This Jutsu’s weakness.. is my existence.” Is such a better line don’t @ me


Grossed out by wooden clones then proceeds to pick her nose….eww.


There is so much unnecessary hostility in these comments lmao people will yell at the normies no matter what they do


Bunch of snowflakes in here 😂 like its their first reaction..yall have seen this multiple times plus they watch alot of other shows and animes so they might not remember things...like chill out 😂


Itachi absolutely killed innocent kids when he committed genocide. You all in the comments need to stop thinking that every action that he does somehow makes up for that fact. He's one of the best written characters in the show, but let's not go full edgelord and forgive him of his sins.

Johnny Blue

Hi Hanna. I hope you had your fill of coffee and Tylenol after reading these comments. ♥


Realise that this isn't the issue. It's the fact that they keep downplaying Itachi every time he shows sympathy or calls out Kabuto for his evil doings, because apparently he's not allowed to grief since he killed his clan members. The problem is, context matters, he never "enjoyed" killing those people. It's only hypocritical if someone like Orochimaru comes out of nowhere and starts calling out Kabuto for disrespecting the dead, etc. And not to mention them making fun of Sasuke for being confused, like what?


that's not even close to being right. Her physical body is normal she only used her ultimate healing powers two times while hashirama used it countless times. Tsunade is not physically older because hiruzen at any age would have done anything Tsunade did against madara. She's physically stronger and faster than hiruzen and her sannin teamates. The effect of her healing powers is is shortens her life but will only be a serious concern if she was always using it and we see Tsunade will only use it if it's agaisnt elite foes like madara. she is shown older than what she atcually is if only she barley has chakara. If she didn't use her chakra to look younger she would still look normal and still great since she keeps care of her body.


Lady Tsunade went head to head to a madara who has woody style, rinnengan, unlimited chakra, susanoo, all is jutsus and immortality.... She's such a best. Everytime she's shown she hands down makes it a memorable scene




Bruh the intro isn't even spoilery 🤦

Abdul Manneh

Stop dick riding, did u just say tsunade is stronger and faster than other sanin Jesus never met a delusional tsunade fan before. Sage jiraiya showed better speed feats tsunade is mid kage tier at best


I'm so excited for episode 373 and 374 I really love you guys so much

Obsessive Fanatic

“Would you like these clones to use Susanou or not?” That will forever be the greatest insult in anime history YOU CANNOT CHANGE MY MIND


Guys, you need to know that the reanimated person has only 80% of his real power + Madara achieve wood style and renigan just to prior his death.


Lady Tsunade after this is evidence enough showing she's top tier hokage and top tier hokage strength