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Just trying to see how these two brands are holding up after the latest episode lol - purely for research purposes...



eren !! 🤷‍♀️🙏🏻

Aadit Doshi

Keep moving forward




Team Zeke plan is so stupid. Basically killing your own kind instead of taking revenge.


Been with Eren from the get go. Gotta see it through, no matter how wild it gets lol

Chris D. Jones

I’m on Eren side simply because we’ve been here since day one with him and I wanna see what this crazy mf does

Redding Tier

Eren's a loser simp cuck in the end so.....neither


Chad Eren ❤

Nick Comfort

I mean. Punishing those for their ancestors mistakes is dumb. But the whole world decided fuck all eldians because of past mistakes done by people they haven't met nor remember. Marley specifically would use the power the eldians used in the past to then try and kill all eldians. Eren isn't wrong for wanting him and his loved ones to live and continue to lead happy lives and families and if everyone opposes that then you gotta do what you gotta do

Quinton Campbell

I'm on the side of Eren "I didn't ask to be born, so ima fuck shit up while I'm here" Yeager

Zero Requiem

Eren is pure Evil LMFAO


Team jeager


neither tbh


I love Eren as a character, but as a human being that moment with his dad wasn't it. I'm scared of what's to come :/


Fuck Zeke


I just wanna be on the inside of the walls soon that's all I know


Eren is the scummiest of scum, but by default I just can’t go with zeke.

april 🍏

I don't have enough information to pick sides yet, but I lean towards Eren because we've been with him the whole time and I still can't forgive Zeke for killing Erwin.


I was never not team Eren.


Both of them can suck dick


Team neither


58 people wrong in this poll


I'm with the team that keeps moving forward


Personally, I'm all for genocide. Of the Eldians. They should have been wiped off the face of the Earth centures ago.


Neither because in reality, one is suicidal and the other is too prideful to see the only real viable option: leave the planet

Professor Nebula

Look, I actually don't support either of their plans. I support utilizing the 50-year plan Zeke originally proposed and refining it in a few ways. I don't want to get into spoilers, but let me just say this: If you are forcing me to choose between Zeke's plan and Eren's plan, I'm going with Zeke's. At least in Zeke's case it tries to minimize the amount of suffering and doesn't actively murder people, it merely takes away their ability to reproduce and thereby bring more titans into existence. Again, I don't condone either, but Eren's plan is far more gruesome.


Fuck zeke 😂😂


I hope Eren wipes out everyone with the rumbling lol

Corey Greene

I’m suprised how many people are team eren but like doing the rumbling and killing innocent people is literally doing the same thigh done to him I just don’t get why he would do that


Because if people are going to take his freedom, he won't hesitate to take theirs first. Isn't that what he said


Neither, i dont like extremes.


I'm team Historia. Put me outta the game lol


Team eren, Simply put…. If I was eren and the whole world wanted to kill me and my people I would return the favor ten fold. The whole world was going to attack paradise no matter what eren did. So fukk it, I will take everyone out for mine. Is it the right thing to do? No! But this whole damn situation has no right or wrong. So fukk the world take this genocide with a grain of salt 🧂🤷🏾‍♂️!!!


Team eren mostly because being anti-zeke (his plan is creative but dumb)

Quinton Teratino

Fuck eren, I can't wait to see how he dies


Eren is a literally a savage, he has to go blud but I’m team Mikasa and Armin


If Eren doesn’t do the rumbling, then all his friends die by Marley and the rest of the world banding together. They were going to direct their hate at them and nothing they do would allow peace to occur since everyone is so brainwashed. Eren decision is the only way his enemies don’t kill Paradis for a 2000 year sin.

Golekane (Dark Ocean)

I feel like this is an endless cycle of war that Eren or Zeke can't do anything about. Eren will repeat the sins of his ancestors and be remembered as the reincarnation of Yimir, while others like Zeke, Farco, etc. will try kill the next generation as atonement. Leading to the creation of another Eren who will shit on the world again


If they killed my mom that way, ofc I am team eren


True, even if they just accept the annihilation it doesn't mean war will end and Marley will stop their expansion to other countries

My Toasty Toast

Team Mikasa or Armin. Can’t agree with Zeke’s euthanization (sterilization) plan, and I also can’t agree with Eren’s plan to use the rumbling to kill literally everyone in the world


Don't know about Mikasa, but I am team Armin. But for the poll team Ereeh. Zeke's plan is genocide, no need to sugar coat it. Eden's plan we think it's rumbling, but no one really knows what he is up to

Oax Al

Both teams are dookie. Assuming Eren's plan is genocide of every other race that isn't Eldian, which is what "if we killed all our enemies over there" suggests to me, than I guess lesser evil equals Zeke, unless Armin pops up and eats both of them then team Armin for sure.


Kill both of them

Pyotr Romanov

From these two team Eren btw, but for reasons yet to be shown.


Lelouch did it first and did it better.


Rumbling, Rumbling is coming


???? Why was my comment deleted? It was just speculation. I don't know how AoT ends nor did my comment spoil Code Geass. Edit: Well, I agree with what some of the others said. Both sides are extremist.


I too, was born into this world...

Bryan Matola

Well, Eren has the best PR department in the form of that girl who says basically nothing except his name.


Why just Zeke and Eren what about team gabi


Team EREN team Floch

Ophelia Pane

Fuck Gabi she doesn't have a plan to help anyone but her self all she wants to do is kill eren.


The way I saw it was Team Marley, Team Paradis, and Team Yeager. I am Team Paradis meaning Hange and Levi, whatever they think is the best course of action I believe will be the best go. However between Eren and Zeke, might as well pick Eren. Like that one Marley Soldier said about watching Eldians become Titans, "It's just interesting."

Edwin Ayala

Look, without knowing exactly what’s coming I could see why people would choose team Eren. However, knowing the manga, I believe that the cost is too high regardless of the outcome. I see Eren’s plan as a net negative with a Paradis favorability while Zeke’s is a net positive with a world favorability. Just a partial rumbling, however, with subsequent intense diplomacy results in the least number of deaths with following years of peace through fear. I would personally choose the third since, in actuality, neither Zeke’s nor Eren’s plans guarantees world peace since, even without Titans, people with still strive for future conflict and both scenarios GUARANTEE genocide.


have you guys looked into All of us are dead? its a korean zombie show


On a serious note...If Eren makes a more "positive" choice that's props to him. If he doesn't I can't blame him. Paradis is a pressure cooker created by the King and Marley lit the fuse. The king could have euthanized everyone after wiping their memories, but he was down to live out his life and wait for the world to come after them. All these people who thought they were the last of humanity trapped behind walls living with a sense of desperation. This was always going to end poorly and if Eren is the Devil he's the Devil they created.