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The gang pleads their case to the judge at the IHOP, Derek returns, and Chidi sees the Time-Knife

Reaction: https://youtu.be/t_2SMAAAPeA

Uncut video above 



"Niednagel" is the name of the show's special-effects person. It was inserted into dialogue as a tribute to him, because this episode make him work extra hard.

Alvin Cura

So hey fam, I gotta actually make a coupla comments in this one. Please bear in mind that I'm mentioning my understanding of *why* something is the way it is; not necessarily advocating it. The Bible cannot be "updated" according to various Christian theological views for several reasons. The one I'll point out here is that the Bible is historical (as well as theological, eg. inspired by the Holy Spirit via its authors, etc). Being historical and containing both Jewish and Christian stories, it can't be "updated" because that would be tantamount to revisionist history. The source material of the Old Testament (which could be loosely referred to as the Jewish Bible) dates to King Solomon which was around 970 BC. An update argument could be made with respect to accuracy of the four primary sources that compiled it (Elohist, Jahwist, Deteronomist, Priestly). Blah blah blah. So the argument (which I am not necessarily supporting) of why it can't be updated is because it is historical. And barring new archaeological evidence, it is static and can't be changed. Now... the *interpretation* of the Bible can and is updated all the time. Which, to certain adherents, is the practical reason for the existence of Church. Which nowadays amounts to churchES, because of divergent belief. It could be argued that churches exist in modern day in order to serve as translation/interpretation authorities. The theological basis is from when Jesus appointed Peter with "upon this Rock I will build my Church". Which is why "church" is most accurately a Christian word, translated in many languages. Unlike "mosque" which is an Arabic word or "synagogue". All such buildings can and are referred to as temples, which more describes the building than the entity. Oddly enough, from a Good Place perspective, the guy who Eleanor calls "Tommy Quine-Quine" wrote a lot about such things. So bottom line, per those theological (and philosophical perspectives), the Bible can't ever be updated. But it can and is re-interpreted and sometimes re-translated. Actually, for the same historical basis, one cannot update the Quran or the Torah either. But they also are re-interpreted all the time. Which is where the need for authority comes in to approve/disprove an interpretation.


i didn't read this at all, but props to you for being passionate enough to drop an essay in the comments.

Joseph Nemetz

The digital effects supervisor is named David Niednagel, which is why they picked that name for the slug-thing.