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After much debate, the group eventually agreed to erase Chidi’s memory in order to uphold the integrity of the experiment. Many of us would not know what to do in that kind of situation but lets say you were.  Would you have done the same? Would you have fought more in the name of love?



Getting ahead again?

Lucas Barros

How about "It was the right call and I would have not done the same"? xD

Adam Pawnee

Was the episode released already?


So you guys know to watch The Selection before starting season 4 right?

the continent

It was done in the name of love. It would be a tough decision to make, but also I am Chidi so lol sucks for whoever my Eleanor is for the time being. It's just a temporary experiment though, the judge said one full Earth year.

Jon Forsythe

The fate of every human present, past, and future hung in the balance. The integrity of the experiment demanded a resetting.


Oh man I can't wait for this reaction I bet Nikki was PISSED lmao


Damn I was watching along with you guys and now I got spoiled on the finale


Damn, got my hopes up they did a double drop for the season finale today. Why did they post this before the reaction to the finale? lol


Of course it was the right decision, what was he supposed to do? Doom all of humanity to the Bad Place for eternity? I mean I wouldn’t have done it, Eleanor is a legit snack and I certainly wouldn’t want to forget seeing her naked. But that’s definitely the kind of call a good person would make.


Where's that Naruto??


It was a really rushed (and plot-driven) decision. They are near omnipotent in the Good Place, they could have come up with a million plans to keep Chidi from interacting with Simone. They could have passed Chidi's ethics lessons on through a Janet baby proxy, for example, or through Tahani or Michael. They could have made Simone watch Chidi's recorded lessons. They could even have made a fake Chidi. I feel like everyone accepted Chidi's freakout as the ONLY choice way too easily, because it gave us good drama.


They always film ahead, but normally they don't post discussion questions on things they haven't posted yet lol

Bryan Matola

If it was you instead of Chidi you’d be able to keep it together and lie to Simone without any trouble. For Chidi, who is Chidi, and thinks like Chidi, and acts like Chidi, this is the only way.

Bryan Matola

Well, as you say, it was a rushed decision. People not thinking of the same ideas you did isn’t a plot hole because you aren’t the person in that situation right now.

Daniel M.

Well for one it was a rushed decision, because the situation required a somewhat rushed action. Though the four humans and Michael and Janet, know the situation in their neighborhood, they cant and dont know the future. A different instructor would require both a significant knowledge of the topic, something the Michael or Janet or a Janet-Baby could probably have, but would be lacking the experience of living as a human. Elanor or Tahani, or Jason have the humanity, but not the intellect of this particular subject. (Though i would've loved to see a full season or two of Jason's Ethnics Lessons.) If you have a situation were one group is participating with the instructor, and another (or just the individual) is not then you are creating a hierarchy that you are trying not to have in the good place. You have people who may feel a sense of superiority\entitlement because they get in person interaction, and a group of people with a sense of resentment because the do not. All in all, with a time crunch, Chidi did, what Chidi would do. He saw the best opportunity for the benefit for the eternal lives of human kind, was for him and someone he cared about to sacrifice their own happiness. Its an extreme trolly problem, with a simple solution.


Well, they had at least a full day to explore every option. I would think the brilliant minds of Janet, Michael, Chidi, and Eleanor, together, could have in that time come up with what my dumbass brain was able to imagine during the time I wrote that post. But it works for the plot and for the character development (Eleanor's, at least), so I accept it.