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Ventress and Grievous team up for an invasion!!!

Reaction: https://youtu.be/KNmEUNxEess

Uncut video above


Edwin Ayala

ARC Troopers are basically any of the Clones that you see having those shoulder armor and combat skirts, like Rex and the clone that Ventress kissed. The Advanced Reconnaissance Clone Troopers are a special operations class of troopers that are given better equipment, leadership skills, independence, combat skills, and even some Mandalorian training from Mando mercenaries. If you look at Rex’s helmet’s forehead, it has some Mando markings for excellent performance during his ARC training.


Been waiting for this

Alexander Ruebenstahl

Before you guys get to season 7 but after season 6 I strongly recommend 2 or 3 pieces of canon content. Dark Disciple is a book about a character yall enjoy, but I wouldn't look too much up for it until your done with season 5. Its the end of a major characters story arc. Then there is the comic Son of Dathomir. Again, I'd avoid looking into it until after season 5. But both could be done for a book group. They have absolutely essential and major plot elements in them. They were originally intended to be parts of the show, 8 and 4 episodes respectively, but clone wars was canceled following the Disney purchase. The final season 7 is only a fraction (12) of what was nearly 50 planned episodes for a season 7 and 8. The book and comic were essential enough to be adapted, but didn't make the cut to season 7 which seems to have had some limitations on it.


For Chris's question about the materials, we see in Force Unleashed (legends) and in Fallen Order (canon) that broken or damaged ships, as well as scraps of ships from battles, are collected on junk and foundry planets to be scrapped and re-forged into new ships. For the sepratists, they are also made up of groups rather than just systems like the senate. They have the banking clan, the techo union, as well as several very rich senators of their own. They also spend very little on droids, so they can buy a lot of ships in order to win battles and the war by basically just throwing ships and droids against the republic, the scraps of which then get repurposed for new ships. The clones will eventually run out, as it takes 10 years to go from embryo to cadet clone, but the droids are made in batches of hundreds, hundreds of times a day.


RIP 99. True soldier of The Republic.

Jermall Keels

Also to Chris’s question, we saw in the Ahsoka episode of Mandalorian season 2 that the entire world was harvested for the sole purpose of the Governess building a fleet for either the First Order, Thrawn, or what Palpatine showed off in TROS

Jermall Keels

On the discussion about Clone/Stormtroopers, the Empire fully moved to a voluntary non-clone army in the original trilogy. The clones were only a part of the empire in the early days of the switch to the empire, but they age to quickly. Palpatine wanted a voluntary army because he wanted actual loyalty and wanted to give planets a stake in his empire with their sons and daughters fighting to foster more loyalty.

Jermall Keels

If you want to see more about the switch from republic forces to the empire, watch The Bad Batch after you finish Clone Wars

Kamina 1

Was hoping someone would clarify this for them in the comments.

Daniel R

I thought Star Wars expert Chris would have all this handled

Kamina 1

Chris is only an expert when he has competition. At which point he starts using 100% of his brain. My mans just wasn't motivated. Therefore he never got the jumpstart.