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Lelouch and Shirley are getting in over their heads in this episode, as the title might imply, but the actual events...might surprise you... 

Reaction: https://youtu.be/Hhq_6zpz5us

Uncut video above

P.S. Thank you guys so much for your patience today! Wednesday's are always stacked and hectic! We appreciate your support always <3





I seriously don't understand how Chris could think Shirley is being written out of the story. Any help guys?

Joel Sasmad

She had her memories erased so he is jumping to conclusions. It will be cleared up next episode.


The more powerful a geass the more limits it has, lelouch has complete mind control, so it has alot of limits, like direct eye contact, certain range, and one use only. mao has mind reading, still useful but not as strong as full mind control, so it has less limits

Mr. Big Stuff

Next week episodes going to be litty titty

Joel Sasmad

Good thing Mao is a master of gaslighting to control people then.

Kamina 1

Chris facial expressions in this reaction were everything i could have asked for 😂


Love the Code Geass reactions.