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For years, Naruto was the target of Nine Tails’ undying hatred. But their time together has made Nine Tails understand Naruto more than anyone. As Naruto continues to try and free Four Tails from Madara’s control, Nine Tails begins to undergo a change.

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Sensei :o

Bliss 28



It’s hereeeee



Jarryd Thompson

Finally after years of waiting for this they finally get to see the greatest two man team in all anime history


yes yes yes yes




where they uploaded backwards or am i just really high lol


We are almost to flashback Shippuden


I missed Navi. She is the voice reason.


some flashbacks are canon from the manga. But the studio LOVES to just drag out longer content. It was hard times back then


If I'm ever hesitant to recommend the show, I always recommend the manga. It's how I got acquainted with the franchise and fell in love with it. Manga is dope 🔥


I wouldn’t mind moving forward if some episodes moving were edited without the flashbacks it’s gonna start to get annoying if that’s Isn’t to much to ask.


No, it was Naruto all along. https://www.deviantart.com/vashperado/art/Naruto-The-Plot-Chickenz-89236276


The padding in the war arc is the worst lol love naruto but man, it is tiring to see the flashbacks


flashbacks to a flashback in the same episode is PEAK Naruto Shippuden

Rishi Shukla

They should listen to the tailed beast counting song before next week's reaction; its great.


i mean for most people who watched it. the episodes wouldve stretched years. so it makes sense to recap. also it builds a moment, which is kinda lost in the banter. like they know its going to happen, theyve watched the show. so let the hype be built, take in the music build up instead of talking over all of it. anyways. yes it can get annoying, but these recaps are actually good and hyped.

Jerrod Smith

Naruto is so good at shadow clones because it's the one thing he was able to read about from the scroll he stole in the first episode, at least thats what I've always believed


The way they drag this arc out is borderline disgusting, but what can you do

Professor Nebula

Yeah, but let's be honest, even if you read the manga the war arc can be a bit of a slog to read through.


Naruto talk no jutsu book that's what he bought to the fight lol 😅😂🤣😆


One of the reason why this arc is regarded as one of the worse is because of these stupid flashbacks lol. Imo the anime did no justice to the war arc except for the occasional hype moments. Too many fillers and flashbacks mixed with canon stuff.


Mickey is my favorite one

NVADR Gaming

Honestly this episode is the epitome of why I started reading the manga. Waiting all week for the new episode just to get hit with a flashbackception.

Chaos T

This arc is so much better when you have the ability to skip episodes. I enjoy the war arc but totally understand why some don't. This arc would have sucked if I was watching it live. Naruto/Naruto Shippuden Kai needs to be a thing someday.


Naruto Shippuden is truly a roller coaster going up and down up and down ... You get great arcs and good moments and theyll throw a filler arc or flashbacks in between it all lol


I don't understand why they hate the flashbacks so much considering they forget so much of the early episodes.

Michael Diaz

It's not that you're incorrect, Suraj. Ppl can just correct you and keep you on track. It's that you actively try to push your incorrectness even when others corrected you, so that they can be incorrect too. LOL If you're not sure, don't enforce it like you are. lol

Michael Diaz

ALSO.... the flashbacks (and fillers) are the number one most infamous things about this series. It's SO awesome and some flashbacks are good. Sometimes they are emphasizing a point or reminding you of things that happened a long time ago and you forgot. (It's a miracle anyone remembers who Shisui Uchiha even is. lmao) But no, no one is gonna give you flack for hating the studios choosing to pad out the flashbacks. I mean they coulda shown less examples, they coulda been shorter clips rather than showing a whole 3 minutes of a flashback for one little point. And I'm sorry but... you're gonna get more of this here and there.

Michael Diaz

Mostly because it's interrupting the stuff they're watching right now and because they're showing things that are virtually irrelevant for a drastically longer amount of time than it needs to be.


There was a whole year of filler during the war... I just stopped watching until there was cannon episodes...


Hard fucking agree. The story needs to be pared down the actual manga and nothing else. Naruto is a really good franchise but they do so much goofy shit in the anime that it makes it hard to see sometimes.


Navi shame on you for doubting Guy Sensei

Misael Matute

Haha you dont know true Pain, until you experience the Naruto anime flashbacks....


The bind between The boy and the beast that was next to him since birth




i watched this uncut, holy crap 8 minutes or something of a flashback that was hard to watch


Lady Tsunade sounds the same and can Tsunade didn't do anything sexual sheez guess it's jealousy