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Mob takes on a feisty spirit!

Reaction: https://youtu.be/4EI1hUyGq1Y

Uncut  video above



Maybe you shouldn't imply Rana is getting a "chub" over a middle schooler.....


I'm not nor do I know how that is s good excuse for getting the hots for children.


attribution of human rights and norms to cartoon characters. lmao. Name more a first world problem.


@MrNavin43 if paedophilia is a "first world problem" to you then yikes.


kek. there it is. get treated for brain rot if you are an adult, if not go outside and touch grass. Obviously not equipped to talk on this subject, if your first retort is to equate things that are not even comparable. Since you can't understand what I said I will make it explicit. cartoon characters are not real, it is a fictional entity made by story teller to carry the plot. An author made this said character good /bad or morally grey. Feeling attached to said "fake character" does not in anyway promote irl pedophilia or sex trafficking. To equate the two is to intentionally muddying the waters on the actual conversation to be had. Stop trying to be morally superior by taking a nonsense position and find a new hobby homie.


Maybe you should not be a little bich