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Haikyuu! 2x21

Reaction: https://youtu.be/M90eDlGFB9s

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/haikyuu-51/ (pg. 6)

The Good Place 3x8 

Reaction: https://youtu.be/MqRUj6lXTXo

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/the-good-place/ (pg. 4) 




So does anyone know if they have ever tried watching bleach?


We really dont need another long ass series. Let them finish up naruto

Darrell Henry

Are you guys going to watch the Eternals?

Alex sh

yall trolling, they finished bleach long time ago.


They definitely need another "long ass series" to keep people paying for Patreon after they finish Naruto. Maybe that will be Boruto. Who knows.

Chris V

They never watched Bleach Alex, are you high? The only one who've seen Bleach from The Normies is Chris. And he watched it before this channel was a thing. Speaking of which, REACT TO THE DAMN TRAILER CHRIS!!!