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New character enters Code Geass! And guess what? He's got Geass too! Mao was a very tragic and short lived character.

Did you guys enjoy Mao's presence and back story? 

PS We now know wild Mao appears again but because of CC's decision, our question is unchanged lol




I think Mao is a good measure of how the power of Geass can drive you insane. Lelouch has always been the evil genius type, and we are seeing how the power and his decisions chip away at him. But compared to Mao, he was adaptive in his philosophy. Sure Lelouch becomes eviler, but he is not becoming insane like Mao. There is a more conscious choice to it. So yes, I did enjoy Mao. It was a nice look into some Geass lore and a fun story idea.

Joel Sasmad

I think it is cool how Mao sets up the existence of other geass users and the terrifying potential consequences of that power. Also I enjoyed how delightfully insane he was.


Mao’s character is extremely important to how C.C. is as a character.


Great comments! Thanks guys! - Marketa


Mao can be considered a cautionary tale of an unfiltered geass. It seems there are dangers to this ability, so Lelouch shouldn't be so willy nilly about it.

Nick A Sam III

Mao sets the stage for what the rules of this world are and he’s a great diversion from more mech battles. He’s around for one episode too long, though, and that takes away from how much his character can be enjoyed. It becomes contrived.