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Hi guys! We finally met up this morning to watch the first two episodes of BoBF, and we are super stoked to meet up again tomorrow morning to catch the third as a premiere! 

The reactions will be ready soon and posted later today or tomorrow at the very latest in case we encounter copyright issues. But worry not for they are coming! 

In the meantime, we wanted to see where you are with the show so far! It's definitely different, very introspective and world-building in a pace that some might find slow, while others appreciate the pace and allowing all of these moments to breathe. What about you? Are you looking forward to tomorrow's ep. 3 drop? Love it, hate it, tell us all about it in the comments! 


Akash Rajan

You can tell it’s setting up for an amazing show. It’ll be big can’t wait


It’s gets better as it goes


You guys need to watch SEE OR INVASION

james lee

I love the back story and I get why people wanted to see him emerge from the snarlack. Personally I could have gone without just that part because everyone has an imagination and parks and rect to figure out how he got out. Plus it would have been a lot better if they left it up to our imagination’s. That’s just me personally.


It's so bad. It's like the writers don't understand basic narrative structure. Why do I need to see him spend ten minutes on a wooden stick? Mando had a full set of armour in half the time. Why should I invest time in his quest to be a crime lord? He hasn't earned it at any point. Why pair him with a tribe of people we can't understand, forcing a normally silent character to essentially narrate his own journey? This is such a frustrating show to watch. I wish we just had Mando S3.

Kamina 1

I was so incredibly excited for episode 1 to premiere. Even stayed up to watch. I was let down big time. Embarrassed to say i haven't watched the show again since. Just being a Star Wars fan, i will at some point this weekend get to ep 2 and 3 though. Not looking for action. Just a shred of intrigue would be nice lol.

Kev Martin

It's literally called the "Book" of Boba Fett - as in, it's his story. With Mando, its an ongoing show so his backstory is sprinkled through the eps as flashbacks. Boba is I think a one off series, so the backstory, which is an important part of him in particular as he's always been a mysterious element in the movies, is a major feature. Switching between present and past narratives is a very common writing model these days - heaps of shows (e.g. Arrow) and even movies (e.g. The Godfather) do it.

Jon Forsythe

There wasn't an option in the poll for "Still haven't started watching this show" so commenting it here instead.


It's no Mandalorian, but much better than the last jedi so far

Erich Bomke

The flashbacks are so much better than the present day story. It feels like two different writers and two different directors doing the different parts.


It's a bit of a slow burn, but I'm sure that they are ramping things up a bit more by episode 3 or 4. I'm hearing that the last 3 episodes is when the show really shines though.

Daniel R

it's diet Star Wars

AvatarJordy (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-12 15:25:06 My only disappointment is the escape from the Sarlacc pit was underwhelming. Especially since Robert Rodriguez directed it, I hoped it would be more exciting and elaborate, filled with brutal action. But episode 2 was great. Interested to see who else pops up. Hopefully Qi’ra.
2022-01-12 03:54:13

Erich Bomke

you wanted to watch two hours of him digging through sand after he burned a hole in the side of the sarlacc? I dont think it really needed all that much time. He has armor that protected him for the most part from the acid, and a means to remove himself from the belly. Not like he was Pinocchio having to come up with a plan around a campfire inside of it.


You really lack any kind of imagination Erich. I seriously hope you stay out of any kind of job for writer.

Erich Bomke

I think I have plenty of imagination, I just know that if you are pacing a television show, with certain time constraints, on a certain budget, that there are some things the audience will just understand through context and you can move on. Especially in a world where there has been hundreds of fan made comics, videos, predictions.


Dude, what mean thing to say to someone you've known for 4 sentences. Re-assess.