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Today Micky woke up in the Lucifer universe! Angels are real. The Devil is real. Hell is real. What does Micky do with this information?! Will he join the team? What is his job?! Who is his boo???




Upon seeing Micky working his regular Hot Dog stand job, the Devil himself falls madly in love and alters his appearance to that of one plucked from Micky's upmost desires. The Devil and Micky then get married and team up to kick God's ass for being a poor father. The Devil and God deal eachother Imortal-mortal-blows. As the Devil dies he looks up to Micky and says, "It is you, it has always been you...you...are...God now...." Then Michael the Archangel appears with a stack of papers 4 feet thic and says, "Here is the paperwork from the last hour, for you to review." Then plops the papers down infront of him. "NO mistakes now, Big G..."

Quinton Campbell

Mickey works in forensics with Ella. There, he always admires Mazikeen from afar when she brings in a bounty (every now n then the exchange witty banter) One night, he notices Mazikeen walking the streets alone. He sees a stranger weirdly walking behind her. Little does he know, she's luring this stranger down an alley. Mickey goes to save her and BOOM! Mickey sees Mazikeen holding the stranger up with one hand, who turned out to be an escapee from hell, and he also sees her demon face. With a shocking look on his face, the only words Mickey could muster up were "That's hot!".


Ehhh he still should have joined The 100 back way when...still can't forgive him for leaving lolo


This is perfect because Micky is THE Devil's advocate. I could see him behind the scenes on every case without fail he asks those questions like "Wait, are we sure because... yes I understand, but I won't be convinced until I see other- Ok I get your point but it could be..."


Micky works in the LAPD HR department. At first baffled at the lack of protocol and serious breach of ethics. As he reaches his wits end of covering up for Lucifer and Co. he learns that Lucifer is in fact the Devil. Mickey now spends his days trying to coach Lucifer on what police protocol and "ethics" are, with even less success as than Dr. Linda Martin. Mickey decided to help Lucifer in fear of going to hell himself, but also because at the end of the day Lucifer is one of the good guys and always has the best weed.


Mazikeen is obviously his boo as Micky has some issues.

Kamina 1

- Between maybe Maze and Ella for boo, i feel Micky needs a bubbly Ella in his life to balance him out. She'd laugh at all his puns too. Then send some right back his way. Lol which then Micky would respond by giggling like a school girl. Mazikeen on the other hand would drive him nuts. The sex would be wild, but she ain't worth the headache tbr. - He actually stays FAR away from the team because he knows sticking with Lucy and the gang would be certain death if he's not a main character. An he's not ready for the cold place just yet. - He starts excepting Christ as his lord and savior. Than becomes a Pastor as his career path to atone. Eventually becoming a religious nutcase villain of the week. Killed by a heart attack in the midst of explaining his master plan to the gang. In his final moments damning the lord with his last words. "FUCK YOOOU"