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Reaction: https://youtu.be/7xTP9Ph6cLM

Uncut video above


Devil’s Arrow

Spheres are different worlds or dimensions, so when they mention the Conjunction of the Spheres they are literally talking about worlds colliding to bring in monsters.


Any idea where 2x4 is? Can’t seem to find it


It’s under early access for links of the day today!


They said who the lady in the hut was a couple episodes ago when Vesemir was showing Ciri the relics and explained the first witchers sealed her in a hut in the woods, she had killed witchers before with a knife that they retrieved, and that sometimes she still tries to seduce travellers, which is literally what was happening with Francesca, Fringilla, and Yennefer at the time.


And by World's colliding they don't mean physically colliding but a sort of a Rift between the worlds is created allowing Monsters to pass through. I pretty sure It's already been said in the series so I'll say it here without fear of spoiling. The world they are on "The Continent" originally belonged to the Elves, and the first Conjunction of Spheres brought the other Races (Humans, Dwarves etc) and Monsters to this place. Istrid say's in this ep that its always been thought that all these worlds collided into one but now he realises that infact, these gateways between these worlds opened and different species came through leaving their plane of existense. If it is still hard to contextualize, you can think of it like the different Nordic realms like Asgard, Midgard etc in some sort of a way. All these planes exist simultaneously and are linked by the Conjecture.

Zachary Longworth

The spheres are different worlds or dimensions. All the different monsters, humans, dwarves, and other races were from their own separate worlds when the worlds collided. When that happened some of the them were stuck in this new world together instead of their home worlds. The elves were the ones who lived here, this world being their homeworld, and had to get used to their new neighbors. humans were helped by the eleves with magic and then repopulated enough they no longer needed the elves and turned on them.


They shouldve watched the movie before starting this season.