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The Black Knights continue to battle with Cornelia and the Britannian forces.

Reaction: https://youtu.be/1MMyeyiG8mM

Uncut video above





From my point of view that dialog about the snow and C.C. was symbollic. You already know that she is immortal. She is living a long life. Really long. In the last episode she said "snow is white because it has forgotten its colour". I think she was talking about herself. That she doesn't truly know who she is anymore (since she is alive for so long). And in this episode Lelouch gets what she was saying. So his reply about the snow was about C.C. "I dont' know why snow is white, but I think white snow is pretty, I don't hate it" means that he accepts C.C. as she is now.


The only show that I watch both the reaction and the uncut every week.

The Evil Queen

When C2 made Suzaku relive his traumatic memories she used her Geass power to do it. Then, when Lelouche touched her shoulder his Geass resonted with C2's power. Lelouche unintentionely made C2 relive her own traumatic memories. Lelouche managed to see C2's past because he was touching her


Also it's Kallen pronunciate it like the word call-en. No ill intent just wanted to tell you how to pronounce it enjoying the reactions a ton


Normies are dicks sometimes lol...if something sounds stupid to them they forget half their discussions they have the dumbest explains 😎

Nick A Sam III

CC doesn’t have a Geass power. She has a code. And when she was younger and had a Geass, this power wasn’t it