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And why? 

Please refrain from discussing events past ep. 11!




Team Arthur the cat

Christopher Clark

Team Lelouch, sometimes the system needs an overhaul instead of trying to save it from the inside🤷🏾‍♂️

Abdul Manneh

Suzaku is heavily hated in the community is he not. I don't remember it being close like l vs light


Lelouch gets bitches and Susaku is like the nice guy who gets freind zoned.


I think its a little early for this discussion, but it is a good one.


Lelouch because even if he's fighting for selfish reasons and revenge he's actually making a difference.


It’s not really a competition 😂


No doubt Lelouch. I was frustrated by Susaku's idealistic approach


I'm team lelouche. Suzaku wants to save the system but that very system was going to kill him until Lelouch stepped in


Suzaku is too naive so I'm gonna go with Lelouch. You can't change the world without getting your hands dirty.

Raul Iggynashow

Team Lulu. Suzaku is like the rook on the chessboard that kicks ass. But Lelouch is the chess master that is playing the game and moving all the pieces. LOL


Team Lelouch I don’t trust anyone that’s team Suzaku


Lelouch because I love the theatrics. Zero as this figure who performs miracles.


It’s suzaku, that’s how you make a real differences. Grinding and making your wave to the top. The ends don’t justify the means and that’s lalouch path. People can like him and all because it’s an anime and his the MC but in the real world suzaku is the right way.

Raul Iggynashow

Another question is who would be the better boyfriend for Shirley? Suzaku or Lelouch? In this question I think Team Suzaku is better boyfriend material for Shirley LOL.

Shadi Ødegaarden

Anyone who is team Suzaku have to be either extremely naive to the point of stupidity, or are people with some questionable characteristics.

Heru Muharrar

If you're team suzaku you crazy lol


Team Lelouch all day every day.


Team Lelouch. He actually thinks about what he's going to do, and he can adjust to any situation to achieve his goal. He's clearly not one dimensional, unlike Suzaku.


Lelouch but it's easy to say because he has a legendary power that can make someone follow any order. With that, a more swift path is feasible. Every action taken by the rebellion prior to ep 7 or so was met with extreme backlash and no one should take that lightly. Entire neighborhoods wiped out in a day like it's nothing. And Brittania is larger than any empire in history. Ottoman, Roman, British, etc. Without Geass, the rebellion probably would be a fruitless effort that led to Japanese extinction.

Warren Taylor

Team Lelouch. Suzaku is like the polish guy who would join the German army to show the Nazis that he's a trustworthy guy. Collaborators should be shot and he's the biggest one.


Lelouch all the way

Practially Incarnate

In many real life situations Suzaku's approach would be the right one, however when you are joining a tyranical empire that is actively and currently commiting genocide, slowly changing the system from within is just a way of justifying not doing anything, and there is not anything wrong with not being brave enough to fight, but suzaku is facilitiating and aiding the genocide that is currently happening.

Anthony Villena

I would only pick Suzaku if Code Geass were a fighting game


Might be a little early for this but so far team Lelouch. Suzaku wants to bring change from the inside, but his method wouldn't even work without the constant conflict. He wouldn't have a chance to keep moving up the ranks otherwise and would still just be a faceless grunt.

Zachary Provenzano

Lelouch because the other side are just assholes putting shade over the citizens.




Lelouch, sorry but Suzaku is a huge idiot and hipocrit.

Johnny Blue

Lelouch for reasons you don't know yet. Suzaku's a hypocrite.

Coco XLarge

Team "this show is beyond dogshit".


Team Lelouch all the way, although I do think Suzaku gets more hate than he deserves.


Team Lelouch all the way


Team Lelouch all the way, and Suzaku's plan to change the system from inside all by himself is dumb and traitorous to the Japanese people.


Suzaku's plan is stupid, naive and childish, and that is why Lelouch is better.

Chaos T

Lelouch for reasons


Suzaku is an idealistic moron, its good to have some people like that, but Lelouch is the one who has actual answers


*Puts spoiler muzzle on* Lelouch all the way. Because noble ideology is all well and good for discussion and literature, but if you want to really change the world, you have to be willing to do what's necessary. Heroes get the glory, but villains get results!

Aadit Doshi

Lelouch. Suzaku's approach of changing the system from the inside doesn't work. There are too many interested and powerful parties in control that will never allow suzaku change the system they are benifiting from.

Ronald Bohne

Lelouch because his approach is that of a realist given what he thinks he's capable of. Suzaku's approach isn't realistic and at times feels hypocritical (like Lloyd said).


Lelouch all the way!


Suzaku is literally one of the most hated characters in code geass lol


Suzaku's mentality is pure but I despise it. He think by doing exactly what they ask and being the perfect little soldier it will make them see Japanese differently, make them think twice about destroying entire neighbourhoods filled with people. The oppression of the Japanese won't be stopped by submission and good morals, Lelouch ain't perfect but his actions will bring the Japanese closer to liberation the he ever could with loyalty to fascists


I was team Lelouch since episode 1 when I was a kid


Team Lelouch, since Suzaku is a hypocrite. In ep. 4 he says "Any ends gained through contemptible means aren't worth anything." Yet he willingly works for a military that slaughters Japanese indiscriminately, and that's only 1 area. Since Japan is Area 11, then there must be at least 10 other "areas" out there going through the same thing. While Suzaku sits on his high horse and wanting to "follow the rules," innocent people are dying. Yet he has the audacity to call Zero's methods Immoral. It's basically the equivalent of saying "Hey guys, I know Germany is killing Jewish people and taking over the world right now, but don't fight back. Fighting back is Immoral. While you guys are dying, I'll change it from the inside.".....Ridiculous.


team lelouch

Kevin Eian Bennett

Team Lelouch, but I do appreciate Suzaku as a character. I disagree with him, but he serves as an important counter point to Lelouch.


Lelouch all the time


Team Lelouch, has a great motivation for all these events he's setting into motion while Suzaku does serve as a good counter but cant see the red tape he'd have to get through to accomplish his goals of change.

Mr. Big Stuff

You need both someone on the outside who will keep the government in check and someone on the inside trying to work to change it for the better eventually meeting in the middle... Tho suzaku is quite annoying when it comes to morals


Team Light all the way

Joel Sasmad

There are some additional points that will be cleared up about Suzaku's side of things later that will work both for and against his points. All I'll say for now is that Japan is a little different from the other areas due to the fact that their leaders surrendered early and left the people much more frustrated with Britannian rule than other areas that fought to the bitter end. The response to this and the fact that Japan is the source of the precious resource needed to produce Britania's greatest weapons, and thus is an important territory to focus on maintainingcontrol of, all leads to the oppression being way worse than other areas... still Team Lelouch.


Gotta go with Lelouch. Suzaku has noble intentions, but he's got to be either naive beyond mortal comprehension or flat out deranged, if he thinks he can change something like Britannia from the inside. If he were trying to start a revolution of some kind, then he'd 100% have my support. But he's the equivalent of a rookie cop trying to change the entire LAPD by making a few people love him specifically. At least Lelouch knows that you gotta be ACTIVELY try to make changes, even if it means getting your hands dirty.




Lelouch 4 sure


Lelouch for fighting on the right side, but I do appreciate Suzukus ideals more and relate to that way of thinking to be honest. It’s like how people join the military for good reasons, however they ultimately end up contributing to the perpetuation of some pretty terrible things. That may not be the intent, but is ultimately the end result.


Ofcourse Lelouch. Suzaku is just all talk no action. He is just lucky that Lloyd does not care that he is an honorary Brittanian.

Nick A Sam III

I’m a utilitarian at heart. Lelouch is the only one that can effect substantial change within a reasonable timeframe. We’re talking immediate sweeping reforms and revolution vs trying to be an inspirational figure and HOPING that others follow your example SOMEDAY. It’s Booker T Washington vs WEB DuBois. Malcolm vs MLK. Magneto and Xavier. It’s a conflict of strategy as old as racial tension. Seen countless times in real life and fiction.


Lelouch for the win

Diego Zenhäusern

I think Suzaku is the better person and I really like his character. But I'm a realist and considering that Lelouch has Geass he has a legitimate shot at achieving something, wherease Suzaku's approach is basically doomed from the start with a rotten country like Britannia. Also: I like me a really smart person in an anime, so I'm biased to beginn with. Suzaku might not be dumb, but he can't hold a candle to Lelouch😅


Team Lelouch.


People picking Suzaku want their actions to mean nothing for a whole season and have their cause destroyed within episodes lol


Is this even a question? Jeremiah obviously!


Suzaku is an idealist Lelouch is a realist.

MarkeMarke .

lulu, he is realistic. suzaku lives in a dream world.


I'm team Lelouch. Suzaku annoys me and it's not because he's idealistic. A lot of people throw that around, especially when trying to compare someone to another who is more "realistic". Lelouch himself is an idealist, it's just that he's actually taking action that disrupts the system. Suzaku, meanwhile, is all respectability politics. He's trying to be a good example in the hopes of ending the systems of oppression. In my experience, being a good example lets you get painted as one of the "good ones." Suzaku is respectability politics in the form of a spin kicking anime kid. This is why no one likes him: because we all know that no matter how "good" you are or the best example of your maligned minority group, they will still look down on you and anyone who looks like you because they still enjoy the benefits of keeping you and those like you oppressed. Being respectable isn't the path to freedom.